A Kind of Magic

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I can't believe it. It's just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I walk into the tent and hear music playing. It's the intro to "Radio Ga Ga" by Queen. There were tables set up but there was still room in the middle for a dance floor! I squeal like a little fan girl seeing her favorite boy band on a warm summer night.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!" Everyone yells at me over the music.
"Oh my god-" I run to all of them trying not to cry.
We have a group hug and we part into our own separate groups. Soon after, people start showing up and it's a full house.
"The crowd is here! I'm going to get this party started!" Stella goes to the DJ box and starts doing her thing, but still letting the music play. I wave bye and look around to take it all in. The tent is white and it has ground lights shooting a soft royal blue hue into the tops of the tent. There are speakers playing music and the dance floor starts to light up. It goes in a pattern, with individual squares lighting up different colors according to the music. Wait...it follows the music? That's Awesome!
Stella's POV
I head over to the DJ booth and open my MacBook. I log in and I have a playlist of songs ready for action. I check out the list for the hundredth time and see the same thing again. Classic. Rock. Ew. Why does she like this so much? Whatever. It's my friends birthday and I would do anything for her! I play Bohemian Rhapsody to warm up. All I know is that I'm going to have this Queen band shoved down my throat by the time I leave. I look over the crowds and spot Alex. He looks so handsome in his black suit. A cool feature that the Pals' suits have is that they are black, but the shirt on the inside is their color. Denis has a baby blue shirt, Alex's is purple, Corl's is a darker shade of blue, and Elijah's is a decent shade of orange. Courtney however, didn't wear her color. She chose an awesome royal blue dress and it's awesome! I wonder if Elijah's seen her yet...
Courtney's POV
I see Amie and Ethan walk into the party. Amie has on this dress:

She's beautiful! One thing I find funny of her is that she almost always has on a crop top

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She's beautiful! One thing I find funny of her is that she almost always has on a crop top. It's super obvious she would have worn something with a crop top. Ethan is wearing a black suit with a turquoise shirt underneath. Ethan says something to Amie and she nods. He walks off and she spots us. She starts walking over. When she gets here she twirls to show off her dress.
"Woooooooah!" I tell her.
"Thanks! Oh my god I love your dress!" She replies.
"Ethan really shouldn't look at you." She adds.
"Oh my gosh thanks!" I say as I laugh.
She smiles and goes to get something to drink.
I look to my left to see Alex getting flirtatiously close to Ethan. He told me he wanted to be with one of the twins, he also said I was lucky. I have to do something. I go over and greet everyone there.
"Hey Ethan how are you, I just need to borrow Alex for a minute. Please excuse me!" I grab Alex's hand and go somewhere that Ethan can't see us.
"Courtney! What are you doing?" He asks me annoyed.
"Doing the right thing." I reply.
"What?" He asks me confused.
"Look, Alex. You can't flirt with Ethan." I tell him.
"Why not? You know I want to be with one of the twins! You know how much I like Ethan since you and Elijah are together. Well, now you aren't but he's not gay."
"Alex! I'm saying it because...because..." I stutter.
He looks at me puzzled.
"He has a girlfriend and he's not gay!" I finally spit out.
"Oh..." He replies.
I feel terrible for bursting his bubble. I look to my right and see something perfect.
"Wait here." I tell Alex.
He stands still as I walk in a certain direction. I tap someone's shoulder and sure enough, they are who I thought they were.
"OMG Courtney!" My high school best friend James yelled.
"James I've missed you so much!" I tell him as I hug him.
"Omg show me the dress! He says.
I twirl and he goes crazy.
"Courtney! Looking hawt!" He gives me another hug.
"If I was straight, I would corrode you with kisses right now!" He adds.
"James how are you the sweetest thing ever?" I ask him.
"It's me, Sister Courtney." He replies.
We giggle and get a good look at each other. We have both changed so much through the years. He looks so much more mature, more grown and aged. He looks great!
"I wanted you to meet someone." I finally tell him as I offer my hand.
"Okay!" He takes me hand and let's me lead him through the crowd.
We finally reach Alex.
"Jame this is Alex, Alex this is James!" I introduce them to each other.
They say hello and keep staring at each other as if they were never going to stop. I leave them and go over to Amie whose talking to Kemora and Tara.
"What are you happy about?" Amie asks me.
"Oh, nothing....only that I shipped a couple AND IT WORKED!" I say happily!
"Really! Who was it?" Tara asks me.
"It was my best friend James from school and Alex. He seems happy to be talking to Alex!" I say as they get really happy.
"AWWWWWWWW!!!" They all day at the same time.
-1 Hour Later-
"Hey, what's Elijah doing with that microphone on stage?" I ask Tara.

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