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"Hello students, I would like to properly welcome you all to Willow Academy," came a mature voice from the top of a stage. Her voice matched her appearance; she was tall and slim, and wore a midnight-blue dress with a silver trim along the edges, small silver designs all over it. Her hair was a silky chocolate brown. A silver stripe lined her hair into a bun with a small silver crown sitting atop her head. Her eyes were a calm grey, a sharp contrast to the emotions in them.

"I am Queen Claudia, the spokesman and vice-headmaster for this school," she waved her hands and from behind her flew small and elegant doves.

The doves seemed to swim in the air and caused most of the students to gasp and stare. After the doves landed a booming applause broke out. After a few seconds of enjoying the applause, the queen waved her hand in a gentle manner of telling the large group to calm down. The Queen seemed to examine the room for a brief second before continuing with her speech.

"As you all know, this school is only for those with Royal and Noble ancestry. We have been trying for years to have this school built and today we can finally open it," she said as she did a small twirl in a manner of showing off, although her motive went largely unnoticed. She steadied herself.

"I will try to quickly explain some of the basics," she said in a soft tone of voice, "For any of you that do not know, Royals and Nobles are much the same thing. The difference between the two is simply that Royals are simple royalty while Nobles are royalty based off an element and usually have powers. I used to a Noble but was turned to a Royal after a accident where I lost my powers," Claudia seemed to sadden at this only to perk up and continue her speech, "After the first month here, you will then and only then be able to bring your family heirloom onto school grounds. We will also require every student to fill out a form about yourself. These forms will be sent to the office where they will be sent to our head guard, Zeno Striker,"

At the mentioning of his name, a man walked on the stage. He was tall, slightly above six feet and well built. He wore a clean silver armor that shined as soon as the sun hit it from the windows lining the walls of the room. He lifted his hand up and pulled off his helmet revealing short wavy locks of a deep chocolate color. His eyes were deep azure in color.

Following him was a large creature most of the people in the audience had never seen before. The dragon stood just a few inches under Zeno, at a solid six feet. It had fur, not scales, which was a light lavender aside from the off white underbelly it had. Black, grey, and fuchsia markings were plainly visible along it, in various shapes; mostly bands, diamonds and spiked triangles. Its tail, which was about two yards in length, had 1 foot long feathers sprouting from its tip. At the end of its tail were three ivory spikes. Ivory spikes also lined its snout and eyebrow bones, two horns that grew from its head in an 's' like shape. The dragon's eyes were a piercing black aside from the red irises it had. Its wings were feathered and folded neatly to its sides, they seemed to be about one and one half feet times it's own body length.

Queen Claudia backed up, allowing Zeno and the dragon to take full stage.

"As you all have just been told, I am Zeno Striker. Next to me is Danali, my closest friend and partner. You could probably tell, but they're a dragon, just not a traditional one," he looked back at Danali, who sat behind him, as he said this, "I am the lead guard here and it's my job to make sure every student is safe. I came after serving as the lead guard from the Eastern Palace. There's not much more to say about me but I'm prepared to answer all of your questions."

With this he did a slight bow and prepared himself for the students' questions.

Only one hand shot up. Zeno let out a sigh under his breath. Zeno called on a young male with brown eyes and light brown hair. He was rather thin looking and seemed slightly confused.

"Will only certain heirlooms be allowed on campus, like what of the people who have heirlooms as animals or weapons? Will some heirlooms be considered too dangerous?" he questioned.

"Well, everyone will be allowed to keep your heirloom by themselves at all times, even if it is an animal or weapon. That's one of the biggest parts of these forms. You must list what your heirloom is and all things about your heirloom. If you bring a unauthorized weapon or animal most likely, Danali will attack you," he said as he pointed a thumb at the Dragon behind him. Danali only raised its head as if it had accomplished something, and made a few quiet noises - like squeaks and trills - towards Zeno.

Zeno sent a glare behind him at the dragon, "Danali, now is not the time for your s-... Not now."

Danali made a sound like that of a laugh and Zeno turned back to the audience, "Are there any more questions?" no more hands went up and Zeno took this as a chance to get off of the stage and leave the crowd to Claudia. Danali went quick after him, keeping close behind.

Claudia waked back to center stage and continued speaking, "Mr. Striker will be patrolling the school grounds at all times of the day. If you cause enough trouble or seem to be dangerous at any given moment you will be sent to him."

"Now to some of the things you actually care about," Claudia continued, a small smile on her face, "electives and clubs will start up on the second week of school, there will be 20 people in each room. You can sign up to share a room with someone if you want to, but there should be enough spaces so that you don't have to. This school is for ages sixteen through twenty-eight anyone older or younger will not be allowed to take courses of any sorts here."

Claudia did a small bow as she said, "That is all of the information you would have to know for the beginning of the school week. You may pick up your schedule in the front office either today or tomorrow."

With that, Claudia gracefully walked off the stage and booming voices broke as the members of the audience began to talk among themselves. 

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