jimin.95 wants to connect
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Hey Tae, I have something to tell you.V
Hey hyung, what is it?Jm
Uhh... I'll tell you if who is behind the account kpopnews.V
It's uhh, Me!V
What?! Why hyung?Jm
Uhh... I like y/n and I was planning on posting pics about Liskook so that y/n will leave Jungkook and she will come to me.V
Why you didn't confess to Jungkook that you like y/n?Jm
Because, Jungkook will be disappointed on me.
You know what hyung, Jungkook is a very understanding person, you should tell him earlier about it.
Yeah you're right, but don't tell Jungkook that I'm the one behind kpopnews. Ok?V
Ok hyung.jimin.95 is offline
kim.V is offline
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