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ZAMILE woke up to the trilling of her alarm on her wooden nightstand, with the Sun barely peeking out from behind the grassy horizon. She had gotten a pretty good night's rest, and she was used to waking up at 4:00 in the morning to go to work. Plus, she was always a morning person. 

She was now 9 months into her training. She had always been a quick learner, and she had amazing memorization skills, so the time span was cut short, and she was expected to start very soon. Cebisa just wanted to make sure she got the finishing touches down. The older woman couldn't stress enough how accurate and flawless her facade needed to be. She never failed to remind Zamile of the danger that was Erik Stevens. 

Zamile took her time in the shower, since she had gotten up a few minuets earlier than normal, and looked over the recent news in her mirror as she brushed her teeth. She decided to go a bit casual with a lavender holographic plastic crop top and a pair of matching workout leggings with sneakers. 

Getting sick of the staunch metallic smell of her car, she opted to walk instead. It's not like it was a long walk, only a few dozen meters, but she usually didn't have the luxury of casually strolling her way down the red dirt roads of Wakanda. She stopped by a few stores here and there, scanning the items which they flashily displayed. She hummed along to an obnoxious tune stuck in her head, while floating carriers passed by with masses of people. 

After taking her time leisurely, and stopping for a bag of roasted hazelnuts for breakfast, she arrived at the 15th floor of the Wakandan National Data Bank and Library. She brisked past the crowds of people who milled about with stacks of books and microchips in their hands, heading straight to the back where a black door stood. 

She turned to make sure no one was looking, and pressed a pop-out panel in the wall. A scanner unfolded, and Zamile pulled her bottom lip down so that it could see her glowing War Dogs tattoo. 

The door slid to the side, and Zamile strutted right into the War Dogs' classified database. Back in the early 1900s, the War Dogs organization had just suffered a huge information leak, caused by some radical isolationists who wanted to expose the War Dogs for their secret foreign missions. After that scandal, the Chief at the time had decided to create a small informational system only available to the War Dog members. It's size gradually grew, and a couple years later, a physical storage room was installed in the least likely of places - the Wakandan National Data Bank. Hiding in plain sight is, after all, what the War Dogs are best known for. 

"You're late". 

Zamile scowled at Cebisa, who was returning the gesture. "It's my last week, can I have some personal freedom?"

Zamile was itching to be out in the field. Although she had been warned numerous times about the hazards of her operation, Zamile felt a bit cocky, in that she figured she could do very well after all the grueling preparation she had endured. 

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