*chap2 the Nerd can drive*

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*Ari P.O.V*

I waited for Mia the entire lunch period she didn't show up I got of from the floor just as the bell Rang and Headed to Gym class I got into the Changing room I changed Quickly these school seriously needs new gym clothes the Clothes consist of short shorts and a T-shirt that barely covers your stomach Mia showed up next to me "I am so so sorry I had to help stop the fight but here are your books please forgive me ..."She said making a puppy dog eyes "ah fine your forgive Mia "I said "thank you thank you and you wouldn't believe who beat up the guy that pushed you down like I told you......."Mia Rambled on but was soon cut of by a whistle "Let's Go girls come on get your Granny buts out there !!!"Our Gym teacher yelled "I wonder who's the real granny here "Mia Muttered "what was that miss May???"The teacher asked "She said she wonders how's her granny doing today "I said"you know what Miss May and Miss Carter Detention after school!!!Chop Chop let's go girls !!!!"The teacher miss Lawrence yelled "let's Chop her up "Mia said we headed out the Changing room and there was a Wolf whistle "Work it Hoes !!!"Mike screamed I pretended to do a sexy pose while Mia did a Sexy Cat walk "Meow!!!"Mike Yelled "Detention for you to mister Bradley !!!"Miss Lawrence said pointing at him "say what bitch ...."Mike said "What boy !!!!a Weeks Detention!!!"Miss lawrence yelled

"but miss Law.."Mike said

"No buts !!!! East high's classes will join ours today so they don't miss out on any education what so ever until the bomb situation is under control so be nice !!! "Miss Lawrence yelled

Most of east highs kids where already seated on the Grass we waited for the rest to show up at least they're Gym wear is so much more decent Drake and Most boys Came out of the boys room with Mister Bryan following them ah great his here to we are all gonna die he is the worst gym teacher ever !Mia looked at him "O dear Lord safe us please don't let us Die today.."Mia said Drake plopped down next to us followed by two random boys "o uh Ari this is Marcus and Theo..."Drake said I smiled "Hey guys!"I said they waved smiling "Hey !!!"They said

"Okay listen up you losers !!!!!get your lazy asses up and give me some 20 laps let's go let's go!!!"Mister Bryan yelled blowing the whistle everybody groaned getting up "20 is this hoe crazy I can't even do one and a Half..."Mike said we started running Mia stayed by my side since we use to run in the Afternoons around our blocks where we live ....then she met Drake and that all changed but I really don't mind I like running alone most times .....

I got lifted of the ground "put me down !!!"I said "sorry Shortcake....you where in my Way..."Blake said while he was still running with me in his arms "Blake !!"I said he quickly put me down running past us and Mia was Wearing a Smirk "and I'm not that Short!!!"I yelled he turned around winking and Ran faster "how does he??"I asked "well my sweetness your looking at the fittest guy around here "Theo said I almost had an Heart attack Mia hit Theo on the Arm "Jerk you scared us "Mia said "sorry Sorry" I lOoked behind us then I saw mike on the Ground with Mister Bryan above him yelling something then Mike got up doing some Dramatic wave and he fell right Back Down me and Mia Burst out laughing and Mike flipped us the finger"Mister Bradley!!!Detention again!!"Miss Lawrence yelled


School ended Before I knew it I started walking off home since my Stephdad thinks I'm not ready for a Car and he never let's me near a Car to drive .....He is totally right because the first thing I would do when I get a Car is drive him over with it and we all decided to skip detention "Ari Wait !!!"I turned around Mia ran up to me "Catch a ride with us and come Hang out with us please ???"Mia Asked "but what about my steph.."I said

"Don't worry ill call him and say we are doing a Project till late !!!"Mia said "Fine "I said she did a little happy Dance we walked off to Drake's Wow this is really nice Car ....I got into the Back and Mia in front "are you sure Drake would be fine with it ?"I asked "of course he even suggested you hang with us... !!!"Mia said Drake got in the Car "Where to???yours or mine ???"He asked "Yours !!!"Mia said

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