get me a bag of chips.....

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*Ari P.O.V*

So here I am on my front porch at 1 a.m in the morning deciding if I should enter or not Blake dropped me off in his half Crashed car I apologized 1000 times but he said it was I quote "No biggie" I slowly opened the door and peeked in all lights where off I crept in my foot was about to make contact with the Beautiful Carpet of the stairs "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHO WAS THAT?????"Jeff yelled from above the stairs I think I wanna sleep on the couch now I turned around "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!!!"Jeff yelled I started walking away when Jeff was down the stairs in a flash gripping my Arm Tightly "did you hear me girl "he said gripping my arm Tighter My mom came down the stairs "What's going on ???"She asked "o nothing sweety just Helped our Daughter she fell and I helped her up..."He said I got my arm loose from him and gave him a glare "You are not my Father never was and never Will be !!"I said before I could Flinch he slapped me across my face "I will not let you Disrespect me in my house !!"Jeff yelled my mom flinched but didn't say anything I pushed past both them into my room and just fell into my bed I touched my cheek and it stinged I was thinking about the night when I fell asleep that night thinking about Blake and his Gorgeous smile and how we totally kicked the guys Butt


"Wake up Wake up come on loser your late again....."Kayla yellled I jumped up and quickly hit the shower dressed in a. Denim short and a normal T-Shirt and some Vans I dried my hair and just putted on some lip gloss I grabbed my school bag wait I grabbed air and Fell face first onto the Carpet???shit where's my bag I ran around the house like a crazy chicken "Hey Kayla have you seen my bag???"I yelled "No why would I have and if I did I wouldn't tell you "she said Caking her Face up with make-up I ran into my mom "uh Ari about last nigh..."She said "Just drop it mom "I said then there was a Car horn "Must be Mike .." I said I walked out without my school bag wait I don't know this car it was just a normal Porch.....Then Theo jumped out of the Car"Come on Nerd we are late stop staring .."Jeff stood at the Garage then he Glared at me Theo saw this but didn't say anything I got in his Car "have you seen my bag???"I asked "No Ari I haven't ...but someone else did...."He said "who???" I asked "oh you will see....Ari what happened to your face???"Theo asked I reached for the Mirror omg it had a purple bruise...."I know the hood of the Car didn't do that..."Theo said "Well Theo I might have hit my head on the Carpet Very Very hard...."I said he stared at me for a while then just left it "so where did you learn to drive like that mmm?"Theo asked

"Mike taught me to drive ....."I said

"Why not your dad !!!?"Theo asked

"Well he's not my dad he is my stephdad and I don't know he doesn't even know I can drive he doesn't let me near a steering wheel of any sorts ...."I said

"Why not scared you gonna wreck it "Theo said winking

"Maybe ..."I said

I started looking around his car "ooo sweet Glasses Theo" I said putting on the extra pair of glasses he had in his car "Dayyyyum girl you look hot in those you can keep them!"Theo said "Thank you!!!" We stopped at school and all eyes turned to us "Awkward "I said Theo started laughing "Let's go nerd ..." I got out the car there was a few wolf whistles....okay now these boys are crazy ...Theo slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me along we reached a group wait that's Blake's Group "uh Theo.."

"No excuses nerd we don't bite ..."Theo said all eyes where already on us Blake glared at Theo's Arm and he quickly dropped it with a smirk I took my new glasses of then I was tackled into a bear hug from behind "Girlfriend you look so dam fine today you'd make me turn straight you need to show those legs more often then in gym girl Work them!!!"Mike said I turned around jumping onto Mike "Mikey!!!!!" I said then I let go "wait uh what happened to your face ..."Mike ask

"I uh hit my carpet face first" I said he pulled me away and yelled "bye hotties !!!" To Blake's group...oh great and I see East high is still here


Mike bugged me the entire morning to tell him the truth but I didn't we where in first period now and the teacher was missing so I'm just sitting here staring at the board...a tall figure appeared infront of me I looked up who the "Hey I'm Greg can I have your number??"He asked

"Hey Greg uh no..."I said he looked shocked at first then he bend down with our faces inches apart "are you su.."Before he could finnish he was on the ground and a smirking Blake sat down next to me ...."So leaf girl???"He said

"Yeah...criminal boy" I said

"I've been called worse so I know how you can repay me for my car you wrecked ...."Blake said Greg stood up from the ground "so that's where you got the bruise ...."Greg said

"Ah no Greg she went dancing with a hammer please be so kind and fuck off thank you...."Greg looked shocked at Blake's response and walked of ....jerk " your so mean and how is that Blake??"I asked

"Well you can help me fix it and please that's me being polite ...."Blake said

"Can't be that hard ..."I said

"Not really "Blake said

"Miss Carter and Mister Connor !!!"The teacher Miss Green yelled

"What up!!"Blake yelled

"Mister Connor don't try me today..."Miss Green said

"Uh I haven't tried you before but miss green if you really want to I mean I'm up for an ..."Blake said

"BLAKE CONNOR !!!!"Miss green yelled

"That's my name don't wear it out now..."

Miss Green gave him a glare then she started her lesson I heard scraping noise then Blake's Table was right next to mine with no space at all "uh ..."I said but Blake took his hand and lightly moved it onto my leg I took his hand slapping it off"Don't Blake you will loose a hand or two.."I said and he Smirked "so your not that kind of girl .."He said "No...."I said "that's good ...."Blake said in deep thought

"Uh yeah wat eva"I said


Before I knew it ,it was lunch I entered lunch room and all eyes turned to me with most kids laughing silently just great I turned around about to exit when I walked straight into an idiot "well well well what do we have here mmm?"Justin asked I turned to walk away when he grabbed me back "what's the hurry"he said I looked straight in his eyes "you better let go of me and leave alone ...."I said

"Or what nerd ...."He said

"Ah my dear justin you want me to beat you up again princess???"Blake asked Justin let go of me and gave Blake a glare Blake turned to me winked and walked of ....I exit the lunch room heading for that nice beautiful tree when something caught my eye on the other side of the school's fences it was guy staring at me "ooi Creep would you stop staring I don't own any banana's for your monkey...."He smirked and walked off "what a weirdo probably thinks he is jacob or something ..."I said talking to myself I plopped down and just starred at the grass......kind of think of it I haven't see Drake or Mia....then out of nowhere I was tackled to the ground "wata fu..."Then the person put his hand over my mouth I looked up and saw the creep from before I kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine then he let go I let out a scream and started running I ended up in the parking lot "how fantastic now its gonna feel like I'm in some sort of scary movie and the killer is probably gonna grab me any sec...."I said but was grabbed from behind and pushed onto a cars hood "Knew it ..."I said then the cars alarm went of and the guy turned me around and kicked me right in the stomach and I mean really hard he grabbed me up again but the the school doors open and out came Marcus "Hey wat are you...let her go ..." The creeper kicked me again and ran of "Ari !!" Marcus yelled he reached me and seriously i had no air in me "Talk to me you okay ....."I didn't speak I was just trying to get air someone buy me a bag of chips for some air ....Marcus picked me up bridal style and ran off there was kids all around the hallway "Move just get the fuck out of my Way "he yelled the kids made room very fast and we entered the nurses office the nurse looked shocked "why is she so white !!!"The nurse asked "I dunno some random guy kicked her in the stomach ......"The nurse grabbed a glas of water "try drinking some water" I did and it worked a bit ....."It is probably because I didn't have any bananas for him "I said out of breath .....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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