Chapter 2: Thereafter

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"I had to get away" Haley said staring at the cup of coffee in her hands.

Matt studied the bruises on her face and neck. "Why did he do this?" Matt asked confused and angry.

"I went out for drinks with some people from work" Haley said nodding her head slightly. "I told him i'd be back by 9.." Haley paused shaking her head. "I got back at 9:15" Haley said plainly, the reason her fiancee had for beating her was that she was home 15minutes late, it sounded so pathetic to Haley when she said it out loud. "It sounds so stupid" Haley shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. Matt took her hand.

~   ~   ~

Danny and Tom were in the lounge of their house, both on their laptops.

"So how was the art gallery with Lucy yesterday? Forgot to ask!" Tom said looking over at Danny who was on the brown leather couch opposite him.

"Thrilling" Danny said sarcastically.

"That bad?" Tom asked.

"It's like she's pms'ing all the time!" Danny said, Tom laughed.

"Harry likes her, so we have to deal with it, for him!" Tom said, Dannt nodded.

"I know" Danny sighed. His phone began to buzz on the couch beside him.

Lookig at his phone, he had a text from Matt.

Matt: Hey man, won't be at the studio today! Haley's in town. Call you later Man!

Danny's heart skipped a beat. Danny and Haley had been together for 3 years, they broke up when haley got a job in Scotland and Danny began a tour with Mcfly. The year after Haley met Damien. Damien was sarcastic and had an awful temper, but always seemed to treat Haley right, after a year of knowing damien, he and Haley got engaged. Danny hasn't seen her in months, they stayed friends but Danny has barely spoken to her in months.

~   ~   ~

Brooke knocked on Matt's door, after a few seconds, Matt opened the door.

"Hi friend" Brooke beamed walking in.

"Brooke, what are you doing here?" Matt asked surprised closing the front door behind them. Brooke swung around and smiled at him. 

"You think i don't recognise my best friends car parked in you're driveway?" Brooke smiled. 

Brooke made her way into the kitchen, She saw Haley and smiled for a second until she saw the brusising. 

"Haley" Brooke let out in shock, then shook her head in disbelief. "What happened?" Brooke asked in a louder tone as she hugged her best friend.

~   ~   ~

Chelsie paced around Bella in a circle.

"Hello" Dougie knocked on the large glass door before walking in to the unfinished shop. 

"A person.....Great!" Chelsie said making her way over to Dougie, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the three empty rails in the middle of the shop floor.

"So" Chelsie began then paused. 

"So?" Dougie asked confused looking at Chelsie then at the railings.

"I seem to have miscalculated how many rails i needed" Chelsie began once again. "Now i have three extra, and i don't know where to put them" Chelsie frowned. "So I'm thinking of re-arranging the whole shop" Chelsie said quickly. "And your gonna help me" Chelsie beamed.

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