Chapter 3: Moving On

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It had been a week since Haley showed up at Matt's door, by now, Matt had informed their friends what had happened. Haley was back to her old self, she put what had happened to the back of her mind and enjoyed being back home, with the people she loved.

Haley and Brooke sat at Matt's kitchen table, Brooke was on her laptop looking for a new job, Haley flicked trough a newspaper looking for houses.

"Oh, there's a job going for a cleaner in an old folks home" Brooke said. "Sounds like a dream" Brooke said sarcastically, Haley laughed while skimming trough houses.

"Let's do something" Haley said outting down the newspaper.

"Like?" Brooke asked looking to Haley.

"We could take a trip to Hillsbra?" Haley said carefully, Brooke gave her a concerned look.

"Why would we go there?" Brooke asked already disliking Haley's idea.

"Well, I need to get my stuff and Damien works late on a friday" Haley began, Brooke stopped her.

"No way" Brooke said shaking her head. 

"Brooke, I have to go there at some point" Haley said in defence. "I don't mind going by myself, I just thought it would be a good excuse for a road trip" Haley said.

Brooke sighed in defeat knowing that either way Haley would go. "When do we leave?" Brooke said, Haley smiled. 

~   ~   ~

Dougie slowly opened his eyes, the throbbing in his head was all to familiar to him. He rolled over, groaning. His phone buzzed underneath his pillow, groggily he grabbed it.

"Hello" He mumbled.

"Good morning sunshine" Chelsie said happily.

"Is it?" Dougie said sarcastically and lay back down.

"Sounds like you had a good night then" Chelsie said, the sound of traffic in the background.

"Yeah" Dougie mumbled again. "Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm on my way to Starbucks" Chelsie said happily. "I'll get you a coffee and maybe some breakfast, if you're lucky" Chelsie said.

"Your coming round then?" Dougie said with a small laugh.

"Yes" Chelsie said, once again sounding happy. "See you in 15" Chelsie said before hanging up. Dougie smiled before dragging himself out of bed.

~   ~   ~

Harry had just finished breakfast, he made a fry and put it on a serving tray with orange juice and a coffee, he made his way upstairs to his room, where he expected Lucy to still be sleeping soundly.

He opened the door and Lucy was almost dressed.

"I made breakfast" he beamed. Lucy buttoned her blouse while looking at what was on the tray.

"I can't eat that" Lucy said while putting on her black heels. "It's to greasey" Lucy added.

"I thought it would be nice for you to actually have a nice full breakfast for once" Harry smiled hopefully.

"I eat wholewheat toast, you know that" Lucy said looking at the white toast on a side plate. "Anyway, i have to go" Lucy said with a quick smile and kissed Harry on the cheek before walking out of the room.

Harry sighed. "More for me then" He sighed to himself.

~   ~   ~

Matt, Danny and Tom were in Tom's house, having breakfast. Matt had gotten a text from Brooke to tell him that him and Haley were going to Damiens to get her stuff, Brooke told Haley that she would only go if some of the guys came too, just incase. Matt was unhappy with the idea but the three of them decide they would go.

"You got a fast car, i wanna take it to anywhere" Haley and Brooke sang in the front of Haley's electric blue Golf. Tom, Danny and Matt laughed.

"This is gonna be a long drive" Matt said with a smile.

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