Love, Fitz

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"Yes!Yes! Oh my gosh, Fitz! Of course! Oh, I love you so much," Sophie shouted on and on with glee. As Fitz put a ring through her finger, Sophie was so happy, she was speechless. She was finally engaged to the most handsome, loving and kind person.

Fitz continued on, "We're going to get married soon and have lots of kids. We're going to see each other every day and spend every hour together. We will make many amazing memories as husband and wife. I love you, Sophie Foster."

Sophie and Fitz, both looking delighted, walked out to where Grady and Edaline were waiting for her. 

"So.. What'd you say?" Grady asked with a beam. Sophie sneaked out her left hand and showed Grady the ring. Edaline's jaws dropped open. She then got a Grady&Edaline hug and she was so happy to see them look pleased.

Turning to Fitz, who was standing there, awkwardly, she questioned, "Does Keefe, Dex and Biana all know about this? I can't believe Keefe didn't stop you."

Fitz answered, "Well, Biana was the first to know, but I told her it was okay to tell Dex, so she probably told him. And, as for Keefe, I had trouble deciding if I should tell him or not, but I did tell him yesterday. I was surprised because I've never seen Keefe so speechless before. He had this sort of a strange frown, mixed with a 'Sophie is MINE' face. So I just told him to go get Biana so we can all be family."

"Oh wow.. HAHA.. um. wait... Keefe's coming," Sophie said with a half-grin. 

"So, Sophie, How'd it go?" Keefe asked, slowly walking towards them.

Sophie held up her hand, "I said YES, of course!"

Keefe surprisingly looked so happy and screeched!

"You're okay, right?"

He replied, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be...Um Fitz, can I talk to you just for a second?" Keefe reached for Fitz's hand and they walked away.

"So um Fitz. I've been thinking about this. And I know this means a lot to you, but I just still can't bear the fact that Sophie's engaged to you. I know you love her with all your heart and I'm sure she does too, but as your best friend, I think you should give me a chance."

"A chance?" Fitz frowned. "What kind of a chance?... You're not jealous, are you?"

Keefe hid his face under his hood. "I just can't help myself. I feel like I'm going crazy when I'm not near her. You're my best friend. Help me out for once, please?"

"Dude, are you actually serious? You want me to break up with my fiance because my best friend wants her?  That doesn't even make sense. I can't believe you would say this to me," said Fitz sounding really pissed.

Keefe looked dead serious. There was a little moment of silence.

"Well, don't say I didn't give you the chance to break up on your own. Because, now, I'm going to do everything in my power to break you guys up. And when I do, I'm taking Sophie to where she belonged in the first place. With Me."

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