School Spirits Pt. 1

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Hi, my name is Mai Taniyama, and I'm a freshman in high school. I work for Shibuya Psychic Research or SPR for short. We've taken on plenty of strange cases ranging from possessed dolls to death curses. A teenage girl by the name of Yumi Ishikawa came by the office a couple of days ago about a case at her school, Sakurai Academy. She seemed rather distant, almost doll like when she came in which is unlike most clients we get. Maybe she's just traumatized by this case. What peeked my interest the most however was the case itself.


Yumi:(in a monotone voice) There have been reports about the apparitions of childrens' spirits by many students of the school. Students have also claimed to experience manevolent shoving by unseen forces. Crying and the laughter of children can be heard in the hallways after school hours as well. You'll have to talk with the students to get more information than what I gave you. That is assuming you take the case.

I wonder how she could say all that and not change her facial expression not even once, and what was with that last sentence? Is she challenging Naru? It's so hard to tell. From what we've heard already, it seems pretty intense. It's the spirits of children we're talking about here! Please, take the case, Naru!

End of Flashback

Thankfully, Naru did accept the case, so here we are standing in front of the gates of Sakurai Academy at the beginning of what was to be one of our most grueling cases yet!

Monk:(staring up at the school in intrigue) So, this is Sakurai Private Academy, huh?

Wait...what? This is a private school? No way! I looked up at the school in slight amazement. That's when Mr. Narcissist himself had to go and burst my bubble.

Naru:(irritatedly) Quit standing there, gawking like an idiot, Mai. We have work to do.

Groaning in irritation, I did what was asked of me, helping to unload the equipment. It wouldn't kill him to be nice every once in awhile! Yumi was there to greet us at the door, showing us to our base. As expected, the girl still wore that same bored expression from yesterday. Help me! My chocolate eyes widened in fear. What was that? Gazing around, I couldn't find a single cause for the voice I had heard. It sounded like...a child.

Naru:(interviewing a girl with long brown braids) Tell me about the shoving. Are you sure no one was there who may have accidentally bumped into you?

Girl 1:(shaking her head) No. There wasn't a single person even near me. You see, I had gotten in trouble during one of my classes. I had to stay after, so I'm sure other classes were already in session when I was allowed to leave. It wasn't a gentle push either. I was knocked into the wall so hard it left a bruise.

The girl rubbed her arm, no doubt the one that felt the impact. That's so creepy just to be pushed out of no where like that! I hope that doesn't happen to me!

Girl 1:(continuing) there's more, too.

Naru:(cocking an eyebrow in interest) like what?

Girl 1:(looking down at her lap) There's the possessed teacher.

Possessed teacher? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse!

Naru:(becoming deathly serious) A possessed teacher?

Girl 1:(nodding) His name is Mr. Saito, and he used to teach Chemistry before "it" happened. He used to be so nice and approachable, but he suddenly changed. When I say that, I mean it was an instant change. He was teaching class one moment, then he suddenly attacked one of his students.

Mai:(horrified) What? That's horrible!

Naru asked other students about Mr. Saito, and they all said the same thing. He was possessed. Is there a real haunting here, or is it like our other school cases where curses were to blame for the strange things happening? That voice I heard earlier sounded like a child. Are there really the spirits of children here? The case of the haunted house with that creepy doll, Minnie came to mind. Are we dealing with something similar? Sadness crept into my being at the thought of that.

Help me! Please! Make it stop!

Day 2

Mai:(groggily) I heard that voice in my sleep. I wonder if I should tell Naru.

Yumi: Naru?

My brown eyes gazed over at the girl with curly brown hair in surprise. Oh yeah, that's right. Yumi let me stay in her dorm, so I wouldn't have to be all by myself until Masako showed up. Honestly, I prefer this because me and the medium don't get along very well.

Mai:(nervously, rubbing the back of her head) Oh, right. I gave my boss that nickname because he's such a narcissist.

Yumi:(in a bored but quiet tone) Oh, I see. Well, I have to get to class now. Good morning, Mai. See you later.

Mai:(a bit surprised but happily) Good morning to you too, Yumi!

She bowed deeply in a respectful manner, then headed out the door of her dorm, on the way to class. She is a little strange, but nice.

Mai:(explaining her dream) So, that's about it.

Naru:(smugly) Is that all?

Ugh! How condescending can you get? What else did I really expect from him?

Mai:(irritated) Yes! Can't you ever say anything nice or supportive for once?

Monk:(intrigued) I think Mai may be onto something. You know her dreams are always relevant to our cases, Naru.

Naru snapped his book closed, but before he could say anything Ayako came into base. I half expected her to say something about Earth spirits, but she didn't.

Monk:(amused) So, you finally decided to join us after all, huh, Ayako?

Ayako:(annoyed) Oh, shut it, will ya? I have another job besides this one, you know. I was doing a cleansing for new home owners.

Monk:(mockingly) Someone actually let you cleanse their home? Wow, they must've been desperate!

Ayako punched Monk on the top of the head causing him to cry out in pain. They then proceeded to argue like always. Some things never change. I sighed happily at my friends' antics. What would I do without them? At that moment, a scream erupted from down the hall. What's going on? Everyone rushed out of the room to see what was happening, and I gasped in horror at what we found.

The classroom was completely dark, and all the furniture was floating high off the ground, almost hitting the ceiling. The students were all crowded in the corner, attempting to get away from the floating desks. This is insane! I've never seen a poltergeist make things float!

Monk:(serious) This poltergeist sure means business, doesn't it?

After a few seconds, all the desks were slammed down to the ground hard, breaking several. Splinters flew across the room, narrowly missing several students. Yumi happened to see what went down, so Naru decided to question her about it.

Yumi:(objectively) We were in the middle of the lecture when the room got cold all of a sudden. The desks then began to rise from the floor one by one.

Then, she turned her gaze towards her fellow students. Her brown eyes shined with concern for a moment before becoming emotionless once again.

Yumi:(relieved) Thankfully, no one seems to be hurt, only shaken up from the experience.

Yumi still had that same bored expression on her face, but she seems to really care about her fellow students. Naru asked her some more questions about what occurred. She then excused herself to help the other students, and to make sure everyone was okay. All bad children deserve to be punished! I gasped at the malevolent sounding voice, gazing around frantically. That voice was different. It sounded more violent and angry. I hope we can solve this investigation soon! If not, who knows how bad it will get!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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