Chapter 1: Aches Of Amnesia

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Song Quote: I Don't Know My Name
I am lost trying to get found In an ocean of people Please don't ask me any questions There'll be a valid answer Oh I'll just say That I don't know my name I don't play by the rules of the game So you say I'm just trying Just trying"

Your Pov:
Eyes burst open taking in a sharp breath gasping for air as if you were drowning in the deep sea.

You leaned against a hard surface with the silky grass against your clothes. Staring up at the sky your body sunk back growing heavier as your head throbbed.

Heaving deep breaths you slowly forced yourself to stand through strained limbs.
You fell forward on the grass coughing as you tried to get yourself steady. "Where am I?" You hissed internally as you sat up.

Taking note of your surroundings you were in a dark gloomy forest. The stars were out as your only light source.

Taking a moment to think you found yourself turning ablank. How did you get here? You couldn't even remember.

There was nothing in your mind. It's like your a newborn baby, a blank slate with no character to you. Nothing special.

People would be frightened to death at the thought of not knowing who they were. Unable to put a name to who they are.

You don't even know your name and here you are feeling neither fear or any particular worry.

When you went to push yourself off the ground you felt a silky material underneath your palm.

It was a bag, or specifically a grey satchel. With nothing else around you opened it up to get a look at what you have to work with. Maybe find a light or identification card.

There wasn't much inside, only basic survival supplies, pencils, two book, and a cellphone with headphones attached.

Something shined in the moonlight and it caught your eye. Digging into the bag you brought out a silver chained necklace.
The pendent had a purple gem and on the flat side had a name engraved in shiny silver.

You made out the letters reading it to yourself in a raspy voice "(Y/n)."
You hummed to yourself finding this name alien to you. Who know's if this truly belongs to you.

Nonetheless you decided to take it as your own. A way for you to identify yourself and what to tell others if you meet any away from this place.

"This is fine" you decided. You put the necklace on and tucked it underneath your shirt.

Your body was finally relaxing from it's restless adrenaline spiked awakening. Now you're only left with dreariness but instincts told you to get moving.

You never know what lurks in the darkness.

Finally standing properly your legs wobbled a bit as you took off in a random direction.

As you walked you could feel the weakness of your knees as they popped, releasing air from no use, threatening to buckle.

You internally groaned forcing yourself to keep walking.
Thoughts swirled inside as you couldn't help but ponder what could have left you in such a state.

No strength, No energy, no memories.

What a good morning to you sleeping beauty- scratch that, good evening.

You came to a clearing where there was a clear spring pond. The moon reflected off it's surface, dancing in the little ripples as you dipped your hands in.

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 ||Ninjago x Reader|| Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now