F o u r

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Speaking in English

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| Ichika's POV |

"I shall get going now, Mr. Tengo and Mr. Kimura." I said, getting up from my chair.

Well if you're wondering why I called Hato, 'Mr. Kimura' instead of his first name. It's because when we're in work, we need to be professional and serious. And others may think that we're intimate with each other.

"Where are you going? Why not have dinner with me? I can show you a good restaurant around here." Mr. Tengo asked.

"I'm sorry but I really need to go now and for dinner how about next time, Mr. Tengo." I replied with a calm voice, maintaining my mask on.

"That's fine, Ichika. Good job today!" Hato smiled.

"Aww...that's a shame. Good work, I guess?...." Mr. Tengo mumbled.

I exited the building and called a cab.

| Third Person's POV |

"Could you please take me to this address?" the young lady asked, closing the door of the cab. The driver nodded as response.

After awhile they have arrived at the destination safely. "Thank you and here." the young lady said, handing over the fare.

It was midnight already. The sky was dark and full of bright stars. It was cold and windy too.

"Sunshine Residence..." the young lady muttered, pulling her bag close to her.

The young lady calmly walked to the front door passing through the big tree. The brunette was hesitant to push the doorbell.

"It's midnight already, maybe I'll just come back here tomorrow...." the young lady whispered to herself.

“Phew~ It's so hot in your bag. I can't get used to it already.” the little rabbit complained. “Where are we anyways?”

“We're at my stepbrothers house and this is where my sister, Ema lives now.”

“Eh!? Then let's go inside already!”

“I was thinking maybe they're asleep afterall it's midnight already so I was wondering if I should just ring the doorbell or not.”

“Hmmm...my instinct is telling me that they're still awake. Well here goes nothing.” the white rabbit pushed the doorbell, making a apologetic face. “My bad, Teehee!”

| Ema's POV |

"Ahhh...I can't sleep." Juli mumbled, scratching his nose. "Ema, are you still awake?"

"Yeah. I can't sleep too."

The moon was shining brightly. It reminded me the 'accident' that happened years ago. Since I can't sleep Juli and I decided to go down and drink some water. We took the stairs and slowly enjoyed our time together walking downstairs.

"Chika has really grown up, huh?" Juli said. "It seems just like yesterday when you and Chika were playing."

"You're talking like an old man, Juli. Ha-Ha." I chuckled softly.

Before we reach the kitchen we suddenly heard the doorbell chime. As to not let the others wake up I decided to go to the main door as fast I can.

“In the middle of the night...Who is it?”

I slowly opened the door. My throat became parched, sweat dripping from my forehead. I closed my eyes and look who it was. It was my sister, Ichika.

Dear Sister [HEAVY-REVAMPING]Where stories live. Discover now