T h r e e

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Speaking in English


| Ichika's POV |

I am now inside of my room at the hotel. The room was spacious and clean. It also has a beautiful scenery. You can see the tall buildings from up here.

“Phew! I'm so tired.” Momo mumbled, lying down in the bed.

“You can rest up now, Momo.”

“Okay! I'm going to sleep now, don't stay up too late~”

After a while of rambling, Momo soon began to drift off to dreamland. I grabbed my cellphone and dialed someone.

"Ichika finally you answered!" a man with deep voice, shouted.

"Sorry, I turned off my phone at you, Hato." I said as I lay down my tired body on the bed.

Hato is one of my closest friends. And he's also my manager. His full name is Hato Kimura. He is very dedicated to his work. I knew him for many years, he is trustworthy.

"It's alright, Ichika but where did you go? You did know that it's dangerous for you to wander around alone, right." Kimura asked. "Mio and I was so worried about you."

Mio is his wife. I met her while doing a job on France. She is also one of my closest friend.

"I'm really sorry and I did go to an important event and it was my father's wedding y'know." I stated.

Kimura reprimanded me afterwards and he told me that he will come to get me tomorrow morning. He is more like my father sometimes even though he is younger than me by months. I turned off my phone and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm sleepy..."

And just like that I drifted to dreamland too.


“Chika, wake up!”

I rubbed my eyes, slowly adjusting to the bright light. I blinked my eyes dully before glancing at Momo.

“Morning, Momo...” I mumbled, slowly moving my body. “Ah, I almost forgot about what Hato said yesterday, we need to get ready now, Momo.”

“Oh, Hato, is it a job.”

I nodded to Momo and took off my clothes.

“H-hey Chika, I told you to not take off your clothes in the open, right!”

“Ah, I forgot about that...but it's ok, it's just you and me in here afterall.”


Timeskip after the bath

Phew~ Momo is this what I'm going to wear today?” I asked while brushing my hair.

“Yes, that's it.” Momo answered.

Momo always chooses what I wear everyday because I can't choose one. In my bed lays a white sweatshirt, a grayish jumper and a white converse. I then changed into it.

After awhile Kimura has now arrived at the hotel with a paper bag.

“Good morning, Ichika, Momo, did you eat breakfast yet?” Hato asked enthusiastically.

I shook my head and said. “Not yet. Like you said last night it's dangerous to let me wander around and we're unfamiliar with the places here.”

“Then shall we go to my house.” Hato offered with a bright smile.

I nodded.

I stared outside the window as we passed through many people. After awhile of staring outside, we have finally arrived at his house. We both got off the car and Hato pushed the doorbell. A woman in her 30's opened the door. It was my makeup artist, Mio.

"Ichika welcome to our house here in Japan." she cooed. "Isn't it nice."

I nodded as I go inside. "Yep~ It looks so comfy in here."

After some chatting, Mio decided to microwave the food so it will be hot. I ate my fill slowly.

"Whew, I'm so full now." I said as I cuddle, Momo. "Ahh, I want to have a house like this too."

Hato was washing the plates while me and Mio continued our chat. Mio widely smirked at me.

"Then get marry and settle down already. You'll have a warm and comfy house like this if you marry a man." she smirked, crossing her arms.

"But that will be too hard for me." I complained, pouting.

"You're right about that. Since you're so ditzy and has an airy aura too." Hato interrupted.

The three of us laughed. After awhile me and Hato left for a meeting. I put on my face mask before leaving the car. Hato only said that it was for a job offer. And now where at outside of the boss's office.

Kimura knocked softly and said. "Good afternoon. This is Hato Kimura and Ichika."

"Ah, yes,come in, come in." a man shouted sweetly.

We're now inside the office. The inside of the office was full of pictures, posters and magazines.

"Hello my darlings, my name is Ryouta Tengo and I'm the CEO of 'Dazzling!' " the man spoke with flirtatious voice.

Ryouta Tengo. The man who is standing right infront of me. He was tall and has a fair skin for a male. The way he talks is definitely somewhat different from the other CEO'S that I have encountered. Instead of having a stern voice, he has a flirtatious kind of voice.

"I'm grateful that you came and chose our magazine to display your beauty. Shall we get straight to the point." Mr. Tengo asked while sitting.

"We came here for the contract, Mr. Tengo." Hato replied with his business smile.

"Oh, here is the contract. Please make sure to read it properly before you sign it so you won't regret anything." Mr. Tengo said with a mischievous smile.

I took the pile of paperworks in his hands and read it carefully.

"There's another rule that I want you to know. That is...I don't want my models to have any intimate relationship with their co-workers. That would trigger a scandal and I don't want that." Mr. Tengo mumbled slowly as he lit up a cigarette.

I looked at the paperworks infront of me once again and signed it. "Here. Shall we discuss about my schedule as your model?" I said plainly, maintaining my mask on.

"He-he. That's more like it! Then let's start the meeting!" Mr. Tengo exclaimed.

Hello to all readers out there sorry for not updating up until now. I'm busy with school so I may not update daily. Sorry if this chapter is boring. I promise that the next chapter will be thrilling. Thank You For Reading!

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