My first day in university

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"Take your things to the car your father says he's coming now". Mom says.. "Ohhhh... Mummy I don't want to go to school again" I said.. "That's your business when your father comes tell him by yourself".. "Mmmm... Am tired ooo.. "I said to my self. I quickly packed my boxes to the car and prepared for dad's arrival.. Later in the day, dad came home and asked us to get into the car and zoomed of to a place still unknown to me.. Fortunately or unfortunately I slept off... 😴😴😴😴😴.....
I felt a tap on my shoulder "Dakkada" mom said in our ibibio dialect..  "Owwww.. Are we there yet? "I asked. "Yes, come out jhoor".. I quietly came out to find out am in....... 😰😰😰😰😰... GREGORY UNIVERSITY UTURU.... And I was like... O. M. G.. Shit was I drilling?..  😰😰.. Hmm... I was nervous... My stomach growled... And before I knew it.. I was asked to fill in some papers, got a problem with a room issue I paid for two in a room.. But my name was not in the booklet so I.. Kinda got four in a room... Anyway.. My stuffs where checked as usual.. I went to the female hostel and meet a reverend sister who showed me my room.. And guess what.. I had a roommate.. I remembered praying for a good roommate and. I actually got a......... U want to know... No no not telling till the next chapter....

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