The new week

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The next day was obviously a Monday  ☺☺☺a new way to start a new day with....."oh no leave me abeg I wan sleep"..I told Ella ...I was feeling very sleepy ... until Ella said have u forgotten we have to do  our registration. ..I hurriedly showered and dressed in jeans with a comfortable top with my black sandals and cross back I took my credentials and put it in my bag ..locked the room and went to eat thereafter we went for registration. ...and that day went .....voom...🚗🚗🚗..with speed..
               On Tuesday  ...... we went for sight seeing we went to the next building  using the bridge 🌉. ..we reached the engineering side going  back ,we were called back by the Chancellor...he directed us to the college of law (I.e law faculty ) ...
   Guess what on our way going Ella slipped. ..Oops ...but didn't  fall but stained her white Jean. ..awwwn ..sorry Ella ... when we reached we meet a guy ...he was not actually dumb but acted as one ....Someone  fell ..and it was a girl that was following  us ..chidinma....and Ella and Mary John picked her up ..... we looked around for a bit and decided to go  and on our way going  ..a woman came and asked for victory. .which turned out to be the dumb guy ...the woman turned out to be our games mistress. ..she asked him ..if he was the one that wants to  play basketball ....and he responded  and we also said we wanted to learn badminton. .and she asked us to change..
          We changed came out ..had fun ..and also laughed about that dumb guy ...and from that day onward ..he was nicknamed "DUMBITO"....less watch out for the existence  of DUMBITO ...

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