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A/N These will usually be at the end but I thought I should say some things pertaining to the story here first. So basically, this is a fanFICTION and none of this is true. I'm not going to cast someone for the main character as I think it should be whoever you want it to be! Also, please vote and comment suggestions. Also my twitter is @lindseyborges_ if you ever want an early update or have questions. Okay I think that's it. Lub you all.


My name is Jade Helen, named after my great Aunt Helen who was fat and owned a lot of cats. We don't talk about the Helen part of my name though, mainly because I despised it. My full name is Jade Helen Chole. That's pronounced Cole, I'm 16 years old and I have Angiosarcoma. I got diagnosed with it when I was thirteen, right at the beginning of when I could start doing things. I've had it since then and , always will. Angiosarcoma is a type if cancer that begins in the cells that line blood vessels or lymph vessels. We've done every possible treatment, from behind the counter, chemo, home remedies to countless surgeries. None of them worked. The only thing they've done was buy me some time. That's the last thing I wanted. I didn't want more time for people to get closer to me. I didn't want more time if it meant more people I would hurt. We all die. The boy you like? Dead. Your favorite band member? Dead. If we all die, why can't I just die now? I accepted the fact that I was meant to hold on for some reason. I just didn't know what that reason was. So I did the only logical thing dying kids do. I made a bucket list.


I walked around the hospital corridors like usual. Walk up the stairs, turn right. It was an everyday thing with my mom being a doctor here. But, I was feeling spontaneous today and I turned left. Thank god I did.

A/N soo. That's the prologue. I know Michael's part wasn't long but, he starts out next chapter so don't even sorry about it. Everything will make sense.. Okay bye I hope your sunshine follows you soon

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