Don't Forget About Me, Veronica

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WARNING: This story implies sex between an adult and a 16-year-old. And they majorly make-out at some point. If this scene is too disturbing, you can totally skip it or just decide to not read this story at all, I won't judge. You know what's best for you.

Lilly woke up. Veronica was snoring. But she didn't mind. Veronica didn't sleep over often -- Celeste didn't like it. Even when she did sleepover, it was usually because she had konked out immediately after swimming or homework or something dorky like that. If Celeste could help it, she would rather have Veronica move to the other side of Neptune, as far away from the Kanes as possible. No, wait, actually, if Celeste could help it, she would've launched Veronica and her dad on a rocket to Mars.

Ha. Mars. See what she did there?

Lilly had placed a bolster between them. She told Veronica it was so she wouldn't go they all roll over and all fall down on her. Also, she said, "Don't cuddle. It messes up my perm."

Veronica hadn't seen to like that idea. Because she was a dork. A stupid clingy dork.

And secretly? Lilly loved it.

The Kane household wasn't exactly a warm cuddly place. For her, at least -- just her. Some nights seem to drag on forever, even with the world's best heaters, Lilly's bed has always felt empty and cold. Except when she had Veronica over.

Duncan may not know it, but Jake and Celeste Kane worship the ground he walks on. Like, do they even remember they have a daughter? Everything Duncan's ever achieved -- every medal or award, every report card -- felt like an personal jab. Nothing hurt her more than Celeste's not-so subtle glare, why can't you be more like him?

For the longest time, Lilly had tried. But now, she was sick of trying. Fuck her parents. Lilly didn't need their approval or their money, not when she had a whole town of rich boy toys wrapped around her finger. Hell, even the poor ghetto boys would give her their kidneys if she asked.

She didn't tell Veronica that though. Because Veronica is better than that and Lilly didn't want to disappoint her.

She knew exactly what Veronica saw in her. To Veronica, Lilly is invincible -- she doesn't care what anyone thinks and isn't afraid to get what she wants.

Lilly didn't want to ruin that.

What would Veronica do if she knew exactly how fucked up Lilly was? Maybe she would try fix her. But Lilly couldn't be fixed. And she didn't want to pin all her emotional shit on Veronica.

God, she needed a shrink. Maybe she'll talk to Daddy Dearest about it.

She brushed a stray hair away from Veronica's face. She tried to memorize the exact volume of Veronica's snore -- so she could reenact it later. That would drive Veronica insane.

Veronica was beautiful. Lilly's never told her that either. She'd tell Veronica she was sexy, that she'd hook up with her if she could, but she's never told Veronica she was beautiful.

Beautiful because of her smart ass brain and goody two shoes heart. Beautiful because Veronica is stronger than Lilly could ever be.

Lilly doesn't tell Veronica because she's afraid.

Stupid, right?

Don't Forget About Me, Veronica (Veronica Mars Fanfic, Lesbian Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now