2. A harsh reality reaveald

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2. A harsh reality reaveald

Waiting area

All was waiting and no answer was given...

Suddenly the door open and Ofelia came out, all of them rushed up screaming

&How is Bloom?&

&She is fine, she is still unconscious but, okay. I don't want vistors now, she can't handle stress.& Ofelia said

&Why not?& Asked Stella feeling it makes no sence

&Bloom have an education excuse, you six don't. Go and enjoy the few periods and came back afterwards. Bloom will be awake then.& Ofelia said as they all nodded

They all could not fight back, it was TRUE, they will be in serious trouble.

&Okay, see later then!& They all yelled rushing off to class and Sky needed to return to Red Fountain or his biscuits are burning.

When they all were out of her side, Ofelia rushed to the phone and called for Head Mistress Faragonda and was needed in assistants, as quick as possible.

When Faragonda arrived, she didn't know what to espect, ussaly she is called if it was an real emergency...

&Nurse Ofelia, what is wrong?& She asked worried

&A student fained earlier and was brought here, her power is unstable and getting weak, she can't control it and it can cause permant damage to her, we need to call Bloom's family.&

&Wait!! Wait Bloom?& Faragonda yelled not believing her ears

&Yes, Bloom the Dragon Fire fairy?& She said to make Faragonda understand

&Is it dangerous?& Faragonda asked worried

&Very, she have to go to a place were she can control it, and not barn her from the inside, or giving it up, and I checked she can't.& Ofelia said as Faragonda nodded worried

&Where is she?& Faragonda asked

&Inside, your welcome to come with me?& Ofelia said as they walked to the room Bloom was in.

They both look at Bloom sleeping peaceful and a half smile on her face.

&Poor Bloom.& Faragonda said looking at her

&Should we call her parents?& Ofelia asked looking at Faragonda

&Yes, they should know about their daughter.& She replied as Ofelia nodded walking out and begin to call Bloom's family.

When she finished Daphne rushed in.

&The Winx told me, that Bloom is here?& Daphne said worried

&Its okay dear, she is in here, your family will be here soon and we can discust it.& Ofelia said as they both walk into the infimary were Bloom lied, as they saw Faragonda sitting by her holding her hand.

&Why are my parents coming, is it so important?& Daphne asked knowing there ia something really wrong

&Yes, it is.& They both replied.

&Where is Thoren?& Faragonda asked hoping it will take her mind off Bloom and maybe into her husband

&He is at Red Fountain, with the rest.& She replied worried

Just then Marion and Oritel walked in looking worried

&What happened to Bloom?& Marion yelled going to Bloom's side

&She fainted, and we need to talk about it and why it happened.& Ofelia said

&What is wrong with our daughter?& Oritel asked worried

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