• cinque •

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Sensei Yukata was a very observant person.

Not that kind that involved in anyone's business, but he gathered all the details in his mind because details are important.

He had trained Baekhyun since the prince was eight. From then on, he knew Baekhyun as well as the back of his hand. The boy's repellence towards rules. His desire to step out of the cirle that was drawn for him to live inside before he was even born. The old man knew Baekhyun's heart well, and with years, he could see how it changed. How it burnt with passion, but not the one towards combat. The one towards freedom and the forbidden.

Baekhyun had a tendency to find forbidden fruit sweeter than a royal meal in the great hall of palace. It wasn't only his recklessness, it was his nature that strived for that beauty that was everything everyone could have, but him. Fields of gold and broze sunsets, nights of cashmere bathed in silver drops of moonlight.

Once he became a king, all of that was going to be out of his reach.

Sensei stood in a shadow with his arms on his back.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol had their tunics on. Even though it was almost dusk, both boys were covered in sweat as their swords collided, creating a brisk sound of metals clashing.

He studied carefully how sharper Baekhyun's moves had gotten since Chanyeol was his training companion. How much faster his reflexes were, how his eyes gave away determination and focus that was there only when his rival was the prince of the North.

It was obvious even to a blind person how greatly Chanyeol's presence affected Baekhyun. But more than just his fighting skills, sensei saw some peculiar connection between them, almost visible aura that radiated whenever they were together, something not even he could explain properly.

Chanyeol's tehnique was still lacking to Baekhyun's, who was very clever in both attacks and defense, while the taller relied on his physical strenght more. Sensei Yukata knew Baekhyun's advantage wouldn't last long, because Chanyeol had inborn reflexes and a feeling for the sword, and he was a fast learner.

With a swift turn to avoid attack from Chanyeol, Baekhyun dropped down in his knees just slightly to fool the other and then clashed their swords together again. Before Chanyeol knew it, Baekhyun's weapon kicked his out of his hand and he lost balance, back meeting the hard ground.

Standing above, Baekhyun directed his sword towards the boy on the ground who had his arms lying above his head in defensive manner. Smirk travelled up Baekhyun's face as he enjoyed the victorious feeling for a little while, because it was usually him who would end up choking in dirt.

"YūshūnaBaekhyun-kun." sensei Yukata approached, looking content.

"Arigato gozaimashita, sensei!" Baekhyun bowed down happily before helping his friend get up.

"Gomen'nasai, sensei." Chanyeol bowed too, but in apology. They were taught to always apologize for their failures, because it was expected of them as princes to excel in everything they did.

"You have improved, Baekhyun. Good job." sensei said as he nodded, and then left. He was a man of few words, observant, but silent. He saw things and kept them in his memories, and everything he would say to Baekhyun was wise (except when he scolded him ) and intimidating (especially when he scolded him).

As he watched sensei walk away calmly, Baekhyun felt a tap of Chanyeol's heavy sword on his soulder.

Chanyeol wore a challenging smirk on his face, inviting, and it pulled a grin out of Baekhyun too.

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