• siete •

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The kingdom of East was situated along the shoreline of the sea that separated the four kingdoms from the Japanese Empire. It was known as a land of hardworking men, sprawling rice fields and long, singing rivers.

Baekhyun had visited it only once before with his father, and even then as a child he was impressed by all the natural beauty of the land and the way it so obviously differed from his kingdom in everything. He remembered the impression of prince Jongin he got as a child. He didn't like him. Jongin acted superstitious, very much aware of his status and didn't care to treat anyone below him as actual people. Baekhyun preferred spending time with the servants rather than with him during his five-day stay in the palace.

Riding in-between Hwanwoong and Chanyeol through the main gate of the palace, Baekhyun hoped something was different.

The royal palace stood glorious and magnificent as ever, with white marble stone bathed in sunlight and the towers rising high up in the sky.

An order of knights awaited for them lined up in front of the grand staircase to the main entrance, and before them stood a tall, slender man dressed in scarlet royal gown, with a sly smirk on his lips that Baekhyun so vividly remembered.

On his right side stood a beautiful girl with dark hair shiny like moonlight in an obscure night and skin as fair as porcelain. She seemed like a frail fawn next to the king, and Baekhyun could swear he had never seen something so beautiful in its delicacy.

Hwanwoong jumped off his horse first, bowing down to the prince and than taking his place aside, to let his master have the word with him first. The two princes were approached by royal servants to help them get down. Reluctantly, Baekhyun went along with the protocol.

"Long time no see." Jongin spoke in a deep, manly voice, now wearing a more welcoming smile.

"Indeed." Baekhyun offered a smile as well, bowing down slightly. "My father sends you his regards and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss, as well."

"Thank you, Baekhyun." Jongin said genuinely. Despite having lost his father days ago, Jongin's posture didn't give away a single sign of grief. He handled himself like a royal should, not to mention a king who had just succeeded to the throne. In their world, there was no place for grieving.

"You must be Chanyeol, Junmyeon's son, correct? My father always spoke highly of the king of the West." Jongin faced the tallest prince of the three.

"You haven't met before?" Baekhyun interfered, looking at his friend.

"My father never took me here with him." Chanyeol said as a reply.

"It's an honor to meet you, Jongin." he smiled.

"I'd like to introduce both of you to my future bride. Mei Yin is a daughter of the Southern king. She's with a child." he said with a flicker of pride in his eyes as he set his eyes on the lady who had her small palm on her belly. She smiled, bowing down graciously as only a princess could.

"It's my honor." She said to the princes in a voice mellow like honey. "I hope you will enjoy the ceremony we are having tomorrow."

"We will." Baekhyun assured her in both of their names.

"The servants will show you to your respective accomodations." Jongin said with a nod of his head to one of the servant boys standing aside, who swiftly showed up in front of the two. The other one took care of their horses, and the third of the luggage they had, carrying in to their rooms ahead.

"Thank you for your great hospitality, Your Majesty." Hwanwoong bowed down, waiting for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to go ahead of him.

They both thanked for the reception once again, heading to their rooms after.

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