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Beautiful Repent Stories

A man went to Ibrahim ibn Adham (may Allah be pleased with him) and said: 'O Abu Ishaq! I transgress against myself by committing sins. Inform me of a deterrent that will deliver my heart.'

Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'If you accept five practices and remain steadfast on hem, nothing will harm and no sinful pleasure will destroy you.:

If you want to disobey Allah, then don't eat from His provisions
If you want to disobey Allah, then don't live in a place that He owns.
And if you (are such an ingrate) and still wish to disobey Him, then find a place where you can do so inconspicuously.
When the Angel of Death arrives, ask him to delay taking your soul for awhile so that you are able to make a sincere repentance and perform some good deeds for Allah. The angel will not grant you your desire and will immediately dispatch your soul to the next world.
When the angels of Hell come to escort you to Hell, don't follow them. You will not be able to resist.
The man said: 'Enough, enough Ibrahim. I will make a sincere repentance right now.' The man did so and stayed with Ibrahim until his death separated them. (Muwaqif Mushriqah Fi Hayatis Salaf:15)

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