Eighteen: Playful Pawns

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AN: Somehow I missed posting this chapter and a few others, good thing no one has been reading this XD.

Chapter Eighteen: Playful Pawns

A pair of white dress shoes clank on the concrete sidewalk through the newly-discovered city during the night. "Now where could he have gone?" Zelon wonders to himself out lout. The light posts guide his way with every ten steps or so as he looks in every direction from his front. Being his usually casual self, Zelon walks into the night with no hurry of finding his target. He does, of course, hide his tsavi signature to prevent Sommi from spotting him a mile away. A little handy trait Zelon developed the moment he joined the Stuki clan. Zelon strikes some luck and catches a whiff of Sommi's tsavi. "Ah, there you are." He follows suit without changing pace towards the dimming spec of Vensen's power known as Sommi.

For the time being, he remains a great distance away with the several buildings between him and Sommi to see where he plans to go. Once the target seems to roam around in a small expanse, Zelon closes in, still with a normal ambulating swiftness. He has noticed that Vila is in the same area, but it doesn't seem like the two are interacting. Her tsavi gives an indication that she's asleep. The closer Zelon gets the more details he can read on both of their actions based on their tsavi or energy. Zelon has always had a knack for reading a situation and what to do in order to finish the job. The gap between the two men shrinks to the point of Sommi remaining in the booming nightclub unaware of danger and Zelon standing outside staring at it.

Seeing no opportunity of entering from the front door, Zelon sneaks his way to the back for a better chance. As fate would have it, the trash boy comes out with a tub full of garbage for the waste disposals. Zelon creeps behind the young lad and promptly snaps his neck. He then makes an easy effort to lift the limp body up into the metal disposal container. Being done with that, Zelon makes his way to the back door that's propped open with a wooden plank. He senses a potential guard close by on the inside near the door and summons a hand gun with a silencer attached in his palm. Once he approaches the door, he calmly swings it open as to not alarm the security men. He accurately points the barrel and fires a bullet into the head of his second unexpecting victim. The bulky body of the bouncer drops to the floor dead with no one noticing.

Zelon advances to remain cool and professionally taking care of each obstacle in front of him. His feet glide him to where the party rages and goes back to looking for Sommi. Succeeding in spotting him again, Zelon pulls off playing ghost a little longer while keeping his distance. He observes Sommi as the named target straying away to a balcony with no company. The stalker goes to the bar to kill a few clock ticks and make his timing less suspicious. He orders a couple of drinks and lets the alcohol of one cup stream down his throat like a waterfall. He does the same with the other and lets the liquor burn his insides all while keeping a close eye on Sommi's tsavi.

Some minutes have passed when Zelon finally moves forward with his strategy. He orders one more dizzying beverage and takes it with him to the one-maned balcony. Before Zelon takes a step through the doors to the outside he sifts his hands through his suit pocket and pulls out the canteen. He then pops the top off with his mouth and pours the ichor into the alcohol. Once he feels that he's put enough of Vensen's blood into it, he puts the skin back in his pocket and pushes the door open. "Well, well, I wasn't expecting you to be here." He casually approaches the young man.

Sommi extracts himself from sulking to see the servant coming from behind. "Oh, Zelon, you're still here in the city." His head then turns back to looking down at the street below. "I suppose it's best to have a friend around when one is feeling down."

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