Part 18

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**At the hospital**

"Minsik I'll explain everything when you get here just hurry up" Jiho sighed as he got off the phone. He walked back into the room, sitting on one of the chairs. "so minsik sh-" suddenly someone ran into the room and immediately ran to Ashanti. "Ashanti are you okay?! what happened?!" Shanice hugged Ashanti tight to her chest. "How did he find out where you were?!" Shanice asked her. "I dont know he said something about having a tracker on me." Ashanti explained on the verge of tears again.

Jay, Minsik, and hyuk suddenly burst in. Minsik ran straight to Ashanti. "Hey guys." Jiho stood up and dapped them up. "sup man." Hyuk and Jay said back. Shanice then looked over to the voice she heard and her worried face changed into a frown. "oh......He's here"  Shanice pointed at Dean as she stood there crossing her arms.

Dean sighed as he looked down and chuckled a little. "This isn't about that right now it's about Ashanti." Dean smiled and looked away. "Of course cause you don't fucking care" Shanice snapped. "Guys this isn't the time or place" Jiho frowned "Right now like i said Dean me and you already talked you already know what to do" Jay said looking at Dean with a reassuring face. "Gotcha hyung" Dean nods and sits down.

Minsik held Ashanti close to him and rocked back and forward. "Babe who did this? and don't lie." He demanded. "My ex came to my house." She cried in his arms and instantly Minsik let go of Ashanti his face turning red. "Who the fuck is he?" Jay and Dean both got up and jiho felt his blood boil again.

"I will kill that son of a bitch who is he Shanti and you better tell me!" he yelled and Dean softly spoke. "Bruh chill. Shanti just tell us" Dean rubbed her back. Ashanti stayed silent so Shanice decided to speak for her. "It was Taeyang!" Shanice blurted. "That bitch!" Jay looked over. "Bet. I got something for him." Jay huffed

Dean looked confused at first and then realized who they were talking about. "Oh no him?" Dean looked angry now. "I've always hated him" he scoffed. "Guys please just leave it alone. It's done." Ashanti said "Jiho thank you for protecting me." She thanked him. zico's lips curved up a bit. Minsik walked over to Jiho and gave him a hug. "Thank you for checking on her like i asked" Jiho hugged back. "Anything for you my bro." he smiled

Dean hugged Ashanti while rubbing her back and Jay stood there biting his nails. "Guys I'm not letting this go and neither are y'all. We'll talk about this later." Jay spoke. The room got quite and suddenly Shanice cackled causing everyone else to laugh. Zico sat back down in his chair, Shanice sat by Ashanti's bed and minsik pulled a chair up to the other side.

Jay nudged Dean on the shoulder causing Dean to look at him. He motion for Dean to y'all to Shanice. Dean nodded. "Shanice..???" She turned and looked at Dean. "What" she spoke emotionless. "Can we talk?" he stood up. "No baby i'm good" she smiled and looked away. "What happened did i miss something?" Ashanti asked looking at them both. "She is being difficult." Dean rolled his eyes. "wait, how am i being difficult when you kissed another bitch!" Shanice snapped.

Dean's face turned red. "She kissed me!" he snapped back. "I can't believe that and we don't have anything to talk about." Shanice got up and got in his face. "Ashanti sat there with her mouth open. The room went silent again and Jay huffed out. "Shanice just listen to him" Jay said. "please just hear him out" Minsik sighed. "Oh my god just like the niggas in Atlanta you all stand up for each other and cover up your bullshit" Shanice teared up

Dean looked at her with pleading eyes. "babe please-" Zico finally spoke up. "Shanice, not every guy you date is gonna end up like the last. Stop acting like that and grow up. You have to listen." the boys nodded their head. "Shanice he is right let Dean say what he as to say. if you don't listen to anyone else i know you would listen to me so just hear what his side of the story is." Shanti agreed with the boys.

Dean grabbed Shanice's hand and looked down on her. "listen please." Shanice kissed Dean and then pushed him. "bye, I'll speak with you tomorrow." she wiped her eyes and walked out of the room. "She hates me." Dean said and sat back down with a sigh. "Dean just give her some time i've known her for years now i know she'll will get over it" Jay reassured him. "Not if she still thinks i cheated on her Jay this morning i texted her and she even think i had sex with her later that night like she just really think i did her like that when i really didn't....... i would never" his voice was a bit shaky

Jay rolled his eyes. "that crazy little girl always jumping conclusion.". "yeah from tonight i can tell she kinda coocoo" minsik giggled and then rubbed deans back. "but it'll be okay bud" Jay said. he quickly wiped his face and fixed himself up. "I'm gonna go have a drink and then i'll head home" Dean got up and grabbed his phone from the littlestand. "ight man we'll see you tomorrow" Jay dapped him up. "Yeah and don't drink to much. be safe" minsik smiles.

"Damnit i never pay attention he left i didn't even say bye." Ashanti said. "better luck next time babe" minsik teased. "stupid nigga" Ashanti smiled. "so Jay how are you and Tia and why didn't she come?" Zico asked. "Oh because she as feeling a little sick. She's been throwing up and shit." Jay said scratching his head. minsik and Zico looked at eachother and smiled. "What you guys up to?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows.

Minsik smirked. "So what do you think she could be hiding?" Jay then huffed out some air. "I dont know man" Jiho snickered. "Zico whats she been doing lately like has she had her period? Does she eat way more? Does she lay around and sleep? Does she have weird cravings? Like have spit up blood or you know being Moody like very moody?" Jiho frowned.

"What are you guys trying to say?" Jay's face grew nervous. "Man she is pregnant duh" minsik hit jay in the back of the head. "Hyung you're dumb as Fuck" Zico bursted into laughter. "And she wants to marry you?" Minsik laughed .

Ashanti giggled a bit. "Yo jay you could be a father now!" She said with a smile. "Aww that'll be so sweet seeing a mini jay walking around the house. If she is pregnant that will be so exciting!" Ashanti cheered.

"Yeah ive always wanted to be a father but guys dont get my hopes up cause what if we go and get her a check and it ends up being some type of fever." Jay say down and ran a hand through his hair.

Zico puffed his cheeks and then sighs. "Yeah we shouldn't do that minsik" minsik rolled his eyes. "Ight man" Jay laughed and hit minsik in the shoulder.

"Alright, I'm going to head home." Jay got up, stretched and grabbed his things, dapped the gjys up and gave Ashanti a hug. "Bye guys love you" he announced before leaving.

"Well I have to go back to the studio so yeah" Zico grabbed his phone and gave minsik andAshanti a hug. "Thanks Zico" Ashanti said and smiles. "You're welcome and love you guys I'm gonna be busy so if I don't answer for a few days. You know why." He explained

"Ight man" minsik held up a peace sign and Zico left. "Babe this has been a long and scary night." Ashanti breaks the silence. "Yeah i know and I'm sorry i wasnt at your house babe i was busy. "Its okay baby" she kissed his forehead.

"So are you sleeping on here with me? or in the sofa chair?" She asked hopping he'd sleep in the bed with her. "I'll sleep on here with you" he kissed her. "Ooh yay"

A/N: guys this was such a shitty chapter holy Fuck 👎but thank you so much for reading it and i love you guys so much thank you for your support and love mwah mwah💘🌸💯🙏💜💜I love y'all

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