Chapter 4; Words of Wisdom

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"Yes Sandy."

"What do you think your future will be like?" Sandra asked Keanu while sipping a strawberry icee.

"I'm not quite sure. I just want to let time bring me to what I want." He paused. "But, I do want a loving wife who loves me so dearly." He looked at Sandra. "What do you think about your future?"

Sandra stopped walking. She sat down on a park bench and sighed. "I don't know. After my divorce with Jesse, I don't know what life is going to throw at me. After all, they made me feel like I loved someone, and I found my soul mate, but he turned out to be a bitch."

"Sandra, life is complicated." He gazed at her. "I want you to know this. I want you to know that even though love may be over, your life is not. You can regain your life, and start over."

"Wow." Sandra sad with eye balls almost out of her skull. "Words of wisdom, huh Keanu?"

"Well, I just go with the moment." He confessed. He sounded serious. "But seriously, everyone has another chance. You just have to find out who it is."

"Thanks." Sandra thanked him for his 'wisdom.' "Keanu, would you want to come over tonight?"

"Like, a date?" He asked clarifying.

"Um..." Sandra stumbled on her words. "Yeah, sure. A date." She smiled.

Sandra heard a knock at the door. She ran to the mirror to make sure everything was OK. She wore a dress that could have been worn to the Oscars. It was midnight purple with ruffles at the bottom. It was about calf length and reveled her silver heeled shoes which glistened when light was reflected. Her makeup was smokey, which matched the outfit and her lips were darker than usual. She knew she was ready. She marched towards the door and opened it. Keanu was standing with a rose in his hand. He had a tux on his body which was appropriate for the occasion. He handed her the flower and kissed her on the cheek. He walked by her, then stopped and turned around. "I wanted to watch this movie." He held the movie The Lake House in his hand. Sandra gave him an 'I'm going to kill you look.'

"Fine. But if I'm crying-." She held her pointer finger in Keanu's face. "It's not because of the story." She bit her lip. "It's because I hate seeing myself act."

Sandra and Keanu sat on a couch with blankets with a big bowl of pasta, which they shared. Sandra placed candles around the room to make the mood more dramatic.

"And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. But it's not real Alex. I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don't write anymore. Don't try to find me. Let me let you go." Soft sobs came from Sandra. Tears fell down the side of her eyes. Her head was against Keanu's chest. He was trying to act like a man, but he was holding back his tears. By the end of the movie both of them were crying their eyes out. Sandra glanced at Keanu and he did the same. Sandra leaned in very slowly, keeping her gaze on Keanu. Both of their lips slowly brushed upon each other's. Sandra couldn't take it, so she parted away from him.

"Want some ice cream?" Sandra asked, changing the subject.


Sandra and Keanu ate some ice cream and talked about the premier. The premier for their movie was next week.

"How did you like making your movie?" The interviewer asked to Keanu and Sandra on the red carpet.

"It was fun!" Sandra said. She laughed. "Keanu and I always has a thing for each other, and this was..... This was fun."

"So three films together. What do you think about that?"

"Well. I always loved Sandra." Keanu hugged Sandra. "We always have fun on set."

"So, there is a rumour about Keandra. What do you think about that?"

"Keandra." Sandra pondered.

"Keandra." Keanu said. He laughed. "I've always shipped Keandra."

"Of course you do!" Sandra giggled. "Because it's me and you!" Sandra puckered her lips in friendly kind of way. Keanu put his arm around Sandra's waist while the interviewer thanked them for coming.

Sandra and Keanu posed for the paparazzi. Keanu's hand was still wrapped around Sandra's waist. Sandra and Keanu hugged. They quickly kissed, and walked into the theater.

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