XII. The Choice

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    "Hi, Mari."

    Ladybug was left flabbergasted. Then she started laughing.

     "What so funny?"

    "I fell for the same guy twice!" Ladybug said between giggles.

    "So, will you go to the Winter Ball with me? M'Lady?"

    Ladybug let out a sigh. "Adrien, I do not know."

    Adrien just looked at her, not impacted by her words, as if he knew her so well that she knew he would say that.

    "You see, Luka asked me to the ball as well. I told him that I needed to think about it and sleep on it since I don't fully understand my emotions. I think I love you, but I don't want to lead you on while I still have feelings for another. It would kill me to do that to either Adrien or Chat Noir, and now that I know you are both, it would kill me."

    Adrien smiled at her, "I understand, Bugginette, you need time. Just remember that I love you. All of you."



    The two embraced each other in a hug that seemed to last forever. Eventually they let go and each went home.

— Time Skip —

    "Tikki, what do I do? Who should I pick?"

    "Marinette, I do not know. All I can tell you is to listen to your heart and sleep on it."

    "Okay, Tikki."

    Marinette drifted off to sleep dreading the next day when she would have to confront the boys.

— The Next Day at School—

    Marinette walked into the school and she immediately saw the two boys. Adrien was sitting next to Nino and Alya on the right side of the quad while Luka was on the left by Juleka and Rose. They seemed to be starring at each other, each throwing daggers at each other, neither one backing down.

    Marinette just stood in the middle of their stare and beckoned for each to follow. Both boys got up and followed her back outside.

    "Mari, have you made your choice?" Luka and Adrien asked eagerly.



    The commotion had caused a small crowd to form a semi-circle around the three.

    "Both of you wanted to go to the Winter's Ball with me. I thought about it for hours last night, trying to understand my emotions."

    Marinette hesitated, not wanting to hurt either boy.

    "I want to-"

    Marinette could feel everyone looking at her, eager for an answer.

    "I choose-"

    "Oh my gosh, just spit it out, Maritrash," came the familiar voice of Chloe.

    Marinette took a deep breath and said, "I choose..."

Author's Note:
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- *chokes on air*

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