Chapter 11

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💚Deku's💚 POV
It was finally after school and I ran to Todoroki because I was so excited to tell him! "Todoroki! Hiii! I wanted to tell you all day about what I wanted to say. Can we go to the benches?" I pointed. "Okay." He said walking with me with no emotion on his face as usual.
"Sooooo Me and Kacchan are Dating!" I gladly said.
"What..?" He said looking down. Wait what did I say that was wrong? "What arent you happy for me? Whats wrong..?" I asked tilting my head to see his face. "Everything!" He yelled at me running away. What the.. im chasing him! "Todo wait!" I said chasing him. "Leave me alone Midoriya!" He yelled I think he was crying did I really mess something up for him?
Its been 3 minutes. While thise minutes hes tried to hide away from me but I still kept finding where he was and he kept running. I was so close to him I was extremely tired and panting and he was very tired and he stopped.. I started running slowly and I saw him turned around and his eyes red showing a sign he was crying.. "what happened.. todoroki?" I said in between pants. "Dont you see Midoriya?!! I love you!" He said coming closer to me.. What..? He liked me this whole time...? I started backing up but he managed to grab both of my amrs.. "Yes, I really loved you.. but YOU decided to go with that dumbass Jerk?! I knew something was going on Midoriya! I knew it because Bakugo changed ever since you came in! I thought there was no way he liked you.. but i guess.." He started crying again which hurt me a lot. "I was wrong.." He looked down I wanted to speak, but his face got closer to my face and started bringing my head back. "W-what dont you dare Todo!" After that he smashed his lips to mine. No no no! Tears starting falling down. Then I hear a familiar angry voice. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! BACK THE FUCK AWAY YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!" Its Kacchan!
💥 Kacchan's 💥 POV
5 minutes ago
I was wondering where that buttface was with my Deku. The images in my mind were that they were kissing or hugging or talking and Deku blushing. Ughh no dont let your jealousy take over you Jesus!
2 minutes later
Oh okay NOW WHERE IS THAT ICYHOT BITCH WITH DEKU It doesnt take that long to tell him! I was getting mad and jealous because It was obvious that Todo-bitch likes him UGH IM GOING!
I went running looking everywhere and it took me a minute to finally find them. I saw that he was grabbing my Deku's shoulders what the fuck now his arms more tightly oh hell no!
When I went running towards them I saw THAT FUCKING BASTARD KISS HIM
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!BACK THE FUCK AWAY YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!" I yelled at him very mad my face was probably so mad. When he let go and looked at me I saw Deku behind him crying.
"K-kacchan He k-kissed me!" He said pouring more water like a faucet. I was so angry with Todoroki. "How dare you touch Deku!" I punched him in the jaw and then He almost fell I grabbed his shirt lift him up and hit his right cheek so hard. I went punching his stomach so hard over and over again and he was coughing out blood. "STOP" someones familiar voice said It was Deku's voice. I let go of him and he fell straight to the ground. Lastly, i spit at him. "Fucking faggot" Deku ran to me and hug me tight feeling something wet in my chest. It was Deku still crying. I was playing with his hair. "Lets go Deku dont cry please it will make me.." I stopped because I dont sound tough so I just turned around and walked him home.
I was kinda surprised he was spitting Todoroki's saliva out he was still disgusted and still crying. I was rubbing his back to calm him down which was working. "Deku please calm down we're almost home okay?" I said. "Y-yes.." He responded. I stopped and then he looked at me. I couldnt stand watching him cry it hurts me and it gets me angry!
💚Deku's💚 POV
I kept crying I just couldnt stop. Im always a crybaby i don't really care but This faucet couldn't turn off and I just kept remember of Todoroki grabbing me and kissing me..
i answered Kacchan and He stopped he looked a little angry.. did I do something wrong. His scarlet eyes locked into my green eyes. He got closer to me and kissed me right there in front of my house. I calmed myself down and I let him have entrance inside my mouth his tongue was wondering around my mouth while kissing me. He let go. "I love you Nerd. Dont cry just do it for me." After he said that I was blushing so much and nodded right away. I gave him a hug and responded with "I love you too"
He smiled and walked away going to the direction where his house was. "Goodbye Deku!"

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