Sneaking out is not romantic. Especially if you sneak out alone. You can't see the stars and feel light wind on your face in a big hoodie and shorts. No. No, no, no. In fact, you realize that it's pretty dark out at 2 am and everything moving around you seems like someone trying to kidnap you when, hopefully, everyone's not having as hard a time as you are. You see, I wouldn't have sneaked out it there was something good on Netflix, but after countless hours of binge watching shows, I'm left with little to no good shows or movies to watch. So here I am. Lying on the patch of grass that's been growing because a bunch of 4 year olds aren't stomping on it because of social distancing. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not a fan of not seeing people or being able to go out for boba. Now I'm getting sleepy. Great. I was barely able to get outside and now my eyes decide they want to close. TO BE CONTD.
Jus a heads up peeps, I wrote this at 3-something-probably-4 I'm the morning so don't expect my work to be college board quality.. although I probably get 2 hours of sleep when I have those tests and they're almost this quality.. oops🥵
I Need Ideas For The Title
Randomjust random short stories when im feeling authorish...