12- lie to me

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So hey guys,  I didn't win the competion...  Sadly and one more thing.  Updating chapters would be a lot harder because my phone broke and I don't really feel comfortable using a computer when writing.  I hope you guys can understand.  I'm using my dad's phone so...  Thanks for waiting u guyssssss

Bangkok,  Thailand

The door opened slowly,  revealing Mean sitting at the dinner table.

"Hey!  You're back!" Mean shouts as he runs towards Plan to hug him. 

Plan's face didn't look happy at all but he gave Mean a little smile.  He pats Mean on the back and pulls away. 

"Where were you?!  I was worried sick! Are you hurt anywhere?! " Mean says with a fake worried voice.  Plan looked directly to Mean's eyes. 

"tell me,  what happened.  Really? "

"A-about what...? "

"Don't play dumb with me Ai'Mean!"
Plan bursts out as he puts down his bags.

"I had P'Mark to dig you up!  He found your body walking on the streets of Italy!"

Plan sits down in frustration.  He scratched his head shouting. 

"Enough with the games Ai'Mean!"

"I-I didn't do anything... What are you talking about?! "

"I know everything Ai'Mean!  I met Krist in Italy.  He already told me everything stop lying to me! "

Mean knelt down,  tears falling down from his eyes.  The room was left silent and only the cold breeze from the wide-opened window was present. 

"I'm sorry!  So so sorry! " Mean's voice continues to break as Plan falls down the floor,  his eyes also filled with tears. 

He hugged his legs and continued pushing his head down.  Hurting himself more and more physically.  His sobs had filled up the room.

"I-It's just too much!  I gave all of my firsts to you!  If that's even a thing! You lied to me! "

Mean stood up from kneeling and attempted to hug Plan but Plan pushed him away. 

"Get out!  I don't want to see you. " Plan says underneath his sobs. 

Mean tries to touch Plan again but his voice became louder,  much angrier.  "I said get out!  Don't ever come back!"

Mean left but the tears in his eyes haven't. The door closed and Mean was left sliding his back against the door and falling down to the floor.  He just burst out. 

The room was messy,  the food was cold,  their shirts were wet with tears. 

The cold night turned to be colder.

Plan cried himself to sleep,  again. 

Mean?  He went to his sister, crying. 

Mild's residence

"What happened, Mean?!  Why are you crying this hard?! "

"Plan knows everything.  He pushed me away!  And I'm scared,  frightened,  guilty,  everything because I know...  I know all too well that I like him! I just kept denying that fact because I was afraid,  afraid to love someone! "

Mild hugged him tighter.  And patted his head,  brushing her fingers through his hair just letting him cry.

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