the great escape

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It was night time when my plan would take action. Little did Klaus now that I was planning my escape. It was 10;00 at night and Klaus was sound asleep. I was in my room and I started to pick the lock. I had learned how to do it. I took the small black pin that was the thing that could make or break my plan. A bobby pin. Out of my hair and slowly start to crept towards the door. Slowly and carefully I slid the bobby pin into the slot in to the door and started to fiddle around with the lock until. Click. The lock popped open leave the door ready for my escape. I slowly crept out of my room and to the stairs making sure to close the door to my room behind me so when he woke up he wouldn't notice that I had gone which would by me an hour or two. As I reached the stairs I noticed that Klaus's door was open. Goddamnit, I thought. Should I go and close it and risk being caught or continue on and risk being caught trying to escape. Both decisions where not in my favor. I decided to try and close the door. If I got caught I could say that I had to go to the washroom or get water. Maybe he'll believe me. I leisurely walked over to the door and closed it as slow as I could. I was trembling with fear. Fear of the wrath I would get if he woke up. My hands were sweating but I managed to hold on to the doorknob and closed it. A wave of relief washed over my my body. Still trembling I walked over to the stair and proceed on. The stairs started to creek as my weight shifted on the old wood. Wow the odds are not in my favor. I needed to find a way down without making any noise. I looked around until I lock my eyes on the banisher that looks like it would break if feather landed on it. But I needed to try. I pushed my hand against it feeling the old wood against my bruised hands. I pushed on it to test the strength of it. And it held. Thank god. I whipped my leg around it steading myself once my leg got over it and started to slide down. Once I reached the bottom I sighed out of comfort and relief. I was almost out. The front door was 5 or so feet away . he never remembers to lock the door but sometimes he remembers. This time I hoped he forgot. I crept over to the door put my hand on the cold shiny doorknob and started to turn it when it stops. It was locked. No! I know how to unlock it but I makes a loud noise. I needed to try to do it. I started to unlock it when it went. CLICK. As soon as the noise happened I heard Klaus get out of bed and start to open his door. I sprinted to the bathroom and slowly close the bathroom door. I heard the sound of coughing and footsteps coming downstairs until they stopped at the front door. I could feel my chest tightening and my breaths getting faster and shorter. Panic crawling up my spine. Until I heard more footsteps going upstairs. He didn't find me. A wave of relief and stress washed over me. I waited around 20 minutes until I felt like it was safe to go out of the bathroom. Still trembling from that close call I go to the door and open it. I walked over to the door and checked it. It was unlocked. He must've forgot to lock it after he checked outside. I slowly opened it. I was free. I closed the door behind me and started to run. I was running as fast as I could. I reached the bus stop and there was a bus coming in 1 minute. I sat there and waited. There was a little old lady standing beside me. We sat there in silence until I heard her voice. " what are you doing out at this time at night honey" I didn't know how to respond to that so I just said " I am so sorry this is not the thing to ask someone you just met but I was wondering if you could spare a few dollars" I said in the most innocent voice. And to that she responded of course she took out a crisp five dollar bill and handed it to me. Thank you so much I said and she just smiled at me and said stay safe and as she said that the bus rolled up. Stopping in front of me. I took a deep breath said by to the old lady and stepped on. I handed the bus driver the five and went and sat down in the back. I slowly drifted of. Feeling safe for the first time in months.

Times up screamed the bus driver waking me up. I looked up to the sign in the front of the bus and read in. as soon as I read it a smile appeared on my face. I was home. I thanked that bus driver and the stepped off the bus. It zoomed off leaving me alone. It was still night time but I knew exactly where I was. I was close to the police station. I started running to the police station tears of joy and fear spilling down my checks. I was home was all I could think about. I ran until I reached the police station. I ran through the doors panting and out of breath. As soon as I ran in a police officer came up to me and said "miss are you alright" " n-no" I said still out of breath " I was kidnapped". As soon as I said that I was kidnapped the expression on the officers face changed from surprised to concerned. He told me to come with him to a room where he would call my parents. I told him the phone number and he walked away and then came back a couple of minutes and said" your parents are coming in a few minutes but for now I need to know who kidnapped you and what happened" "hh-his n-name is k-la-u-s-ss ss-smith" I say trembling with fear just thinking about his name made me tremble. And only after I had finished saying that I only realized how weak I sounded. "Its okay sweetheart doesn't worry you are safe now," he said in a calm voice which instantly made me calm down. He was about to ask me another question when I see my parents come in. as soon as my mother saw me she bursted out into tears and ran over to hug me. I hugged her back and after a second of hugging, she said " I missed you so much sweetie" in a voice that broke my heart. After hugging everyone and talking to the police I was told I could go home. My parents and I went home finally happy for the first time in months. When I got home my parents told me that I needed to rest. Which I did.

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