Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I gasped in pain as my fingers on my left hand cracked and bent at terrifying angles. Fayth turned around from her spot on the end of my bed, her confused expression turning to one of horror and shock.

"Ric, What the fuck is happening?" She asked panicked as she got up from the bed, never taking her eyes off me.

If I could process that information, it would have terrified me more. I don't think I'd ever seen Fayth that genuinely afraid a day in my life. I couldn't answer her question, I didn't have a chance to as my shoulder dislocated, elbow cracking. I screamed. I screamed until I couldn't anymore as the rest of my bones cracked and shifted, tears of pain streaking down my cheeks.

I'd worry about how absolutely embarrassed I was for screaming and crying in front of Fayth later.

My eyes were squeezed shut, so I could no longer see Fayth's terrified expression or poor Cerberus cowering in the corner. I was barely able to peek my eyes open before my vision blurred and everything went dark.

When I woke, I was under the comforter and I could only suspect that it was Fayth's doing. Speaking of the latter, she was sitting down, leaning against my door fast asleep. Cerberus was in her lap, but he awoke at the sound of my groan as I tried to lift my arm. My entire body ached something awful and felt like lead. Hell, even my fucking pinky toes and ears hurt. Cerberus jumped up and stumbled out of Fayth's lap, heading to me with a yip. She stirred in her sleep, before her eyes fluttered open. She looked around for a second, confused, before she jumped up.

"Holy shit, Ric! Are you okay?" She walked over to the bed and I groaned as I rolled over so I was laying on my back.

"Yeah. Just sore as fuck," I took a deep breath. "Even my toes hurt, what the fuck."

"I was scared you died on me for a second. I did not want to try to explain what happened to you to the police." She placed her hand on my forehead, "you feel better though."

"What did happen to me?" I asked, wishing I had the strength to push her hand away, but she removed it a second later. "I feel like I was thrown in a damn blender."

"Uh...Do you remember anything?" She asked, her brows furrowed.

Honestly? Not really and that scared the living hell out of me, because that was never a good thing. "I remember feeling like shit and then feeling shittier and in pain. The rest is a blur, so I'm guessing I passed out." My stomach rumbled lowly, but I ignored it.

"I don't know how to tell you without sounding fucking crazy," she nibbled on her bottom lip. She paused before grimacing. "Actually, I'm still trying to convince myself that I'm not crazy."

"Oh no, you're definitely crazy," I quipped and she glared. I couldn't help bothering her every chance I got. It was a habit. One I enjoyed.

She rolled her eyes before getting serious, "you trust me right? No matter what I say, you'll believe me?"

"I don't know... That one time you told me we were going to the arcade, but you dragged me to the mall with you and I ended up carrying all of your bags." She was still looking at me seriously and it was starting to make me nervous. What was she about to say that made her ask that question? "Yes, of course I trust you."

"Okay," she sighed and wiped her hands on her shorts anxiously. She took a deep breath before blurting out, "you're a werewolf. Or at least I think you are based on the giant ass wolf you turned into last night. And by big, I mean big, but not Twilight big. More like dire wolf big. Though, I guess you could be some sort of shape-shifter in general, but I'm-"

"Fayth, shut up," I interrupted, cutting off her rambling. I took a deep breath and raised a skeptical brow. "Now, run that shit back. A werewolf? Are you high?" Now I was convinced she was reading too many supernatural stories online. My stomach grumbled even louder this time, catching Fayth's attention and she glanced at stomach before looking back at me.

"Yes, a werewolf," she rolled her eyes. "You said you'd believe. Look at you, you're never hungry when you first wake up and your stomach is over there trying to eat itself," she pressed.

"Or," I dragged, "I'm just hungry, because all the food I ate ended up in the toilet and I've only had a bit of soup since then." Was she seriously trying to convince me I was a werewolf? I was starting to regret I even asked.

Fayth sighed, she was starting to get annoyed, "I'm serious, Adric." That made me pause. She didn't call me by my nickname. She only called me Adric when she was very serious or very mad, I didn't like either. Maybe I could at least try to listen. Otherwise, she'd probably hit me, pain or no pain.

I sighed, exasperated. "So, I turned into a wolf, huh?"

Fayth smiled, "a big ass wolf. You barely fit on your bed. I was scared as shit, but I don't think you could move." Her expression turned into one of confusion. "If I tried to even move a little bit, you'd growl, but you never moved or got into a defensive position."

"But your dumb ass fell asleep around it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Wow, how smart. I was really starting to question my choice in friends.

She scoffed and crossed her arms, "No. I couldn't even scratch my ass without being growled at. I definitely was not about to take any steps anywhere. At like four in the morning you turned back, you were naked by the way," she scrunched her nose in disgust. "A sight I could've lived without seeing. Then I fell asleep on the floor."

Ohh, so that's why I felt so comfortable and intimate with the sheets, I don't have underwear on anymore. Fuck, that's embarrassing. Hell, I might as well just taken them off earlier with the rest of my clothes.

"Hmm, that's the only thing you've said that had some proof. Kind of." I groaned as I rolled my shoulders, trying to alleviate some of my pain, but to no avail. The hunger I was feeling was starting to grow more and more and it too was becoming painful. "Fine, I'll make you deal," Fayth looked at me suspiciously, but a sparkle of excitement in her eyes, " we'll figure out this werewolf thing however you want." She was practically vibrating with excitement and it was kind of terrifying to try to imagine what she was planning. "But I need some food ASAP and I can barely move. So, we'll talk after I get downstairs with food in me."

"Deal," Fayth smiled, holding out her pinky and I wrapped mine around hers.

We could figure this Twilight shit out after I ate. I can only think with my stomach right now.

So, the picture at the beginning is pretty much how I picture Adric's wolf

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So, the picture at the beginning is pretty much how I picture Adric's wolf. I like it, it's cute.

What's your favorite werewolf TV show?

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The next chapter is almost twice as long!

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