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3rd person POV

As days went past J-hope was more open and friendly to Alisha and Alisha's feelings for him became stronger but she knew she wasn't that fortunate enough to be his girl. During school ,J-hope would give minimal attention to Alisha when around other girls.

Alisha gained enough money for her mother's treatment who is now at home recovering from her treatment.

Alisha managed to study for her exams which today she received her results she amazed to see she passed with the score of 99/100.

"Good job Alisha", Jin said clapping

J-hope was selected to go to internationals in taekwondo with excitement he ran to Alisha in front of his 'fangirls'

hugged Alisha tight "I'm so happy today I got selected, It was my mum's dream"

Alisha stood there as shock as the audience

"Um..J-J-hope that's amazing" Alisha said quietly pushing J-hope away

"I love my life" He said pulling Alisha closer to him again

"And I love you"

Alisha couldn't believe what she just heard

"What?" Alisha questioned

"Alisha your not like other girls you're smart,kind, caring and you understand me, you are the only person where I can be my true self" J-hope said

Alisha couldn't hold her tears "I love you too."

Everyone was surronding the new couple many were jealous, most were happy and some just didn't really care

"You know I want to give you this" he held out a long rectangular box

"I found this when I was at the jewellery store, my mum had this similar one"

(Remember at a few chapters back he was at the jewellery store)

He pulls out a necklace and places into her neck.

And whatever happens after that is in your imagination.

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