As Their Lives Begin

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Clara was up at 7:30 the next morning. She couldn't sleep all night and she finally gave up and went into her new kitchen to make a pot of tea. She looked out of the kitchen window to see their neighbors sitting around their dining room table reading rather large books that didn't look even vaguely human. She grabbed her phone and took a couple of pictures for the Doctor; he was upstairs sleeping still. He hadn't slept in about two months according to him, so Clara didn't want to get him up.

She heard someone enter the dark room behind her and she felt the Doctor accidentally brush her shoulder as he went for the tea that was brewing beside her on the counter.

"Good morning," she said. "Look at what our neighbors are doing," she smirked, pointing towards the window. The Doctor took a look out and thought that what they were doing was rather strange. All of a sudden they all put down their books and started to make breakfast. Judy was looking into their kitchen, smiling. The Doctor kissed Clara's cheek as he went to the fridge for some eggs so they too could make breakfast. He wanted to make his and Clara's relationship as believable as possible as long as their neighbors were watching.


Neither Clara nor the Doctor had jobs, so they sat at home all day. Clara had called Judy and invited them over for dinner just like Clara had promised she would. They both agreed it would give them some helpful insight into their neighbors, and Clara never went back on promises.

Clara spent the entire day cleaning and decorating "their" room. Only Clara actually used the room, but if someone happened to stumble into the room, they wanted it to seem like both of them used it. The Doctor would use the guest room on the rare occasions when he did sleep. Clara would never admit it, but she could get used to living in a home like this with the Doctor.


"Clara, are we supposed to dress up?" the Doctor asked, as they both got ready for their guests.

"What you always wear is just fine. I'm just wearing a nicer shirt, nothing too fancy. I'm not terribly worried about looking good," Clara said, putting the final touches on the only makeup she was wearing; mascara.

"I'm nervous, and I don't really know why. I think I'm worried they won't believe us," the Doctor mumbled.

"I think they'll be thinking the same thing. I'm worried I'll forget to call you John," Clara giggled, straightening his bow tie. "Oh! I forgot!" she said, pulling out a bag from the drawer in her bedside table. "Our wedding rings."

They slipped them on as the doorbell rang, announcing their neighbors arrival. They both looked at each other, laughed, and grabbed the other's hand.




Okay! I promise the next chapter is when it starts to pick up. I just had to build up to it. Please vote, comment, and follow. Have a good day!

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