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•Sakura PoV•

"Today you students will take part in rescue training. Get into your costumes and meet me outside." Mr.Aizawa tells the class.

I grab my costume from the suitcases and walk towards the female change rooms. I take off my uniform top, and everyone gasps.

"Why are you all scarred?!" Yaouarozu shouts.

"It's a long story. I'm okay though!" I say giving off a fake smile.


I can hear the worry and concern in her voice. She genuinely cares. That's a first. I finish putting on my hero costume and walk outside towards the bus. Iida gets all bent out of shape about getting everyone to line up in order of their class student number. In the end it was all for nothing, I'm currently sitting beside a blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair. He's kinda cute.. I slap my cheeks as I feel my face heat up and look out the window. I wonder where we're going? I mean, we know it's for rescue training but that's about it. It's a decent bus ride to wherever we're going, and I start to get a little fidgety. The bus stops and the guy who was beside me, who reminds me of Pikachu, gets up and backs up blocking the back of the bus.

"After you." He says.

I smile and walk in front of him. I follow the class and he walks up beside me.

"Your Sakura right?" He asks.

"Yeah, what's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Denki Kaminari!" He says putting his thumb to his chest.

"Okay Denki." I say with a giggle.

We talk quietly while the rescue hero 13 explains our training. Then, all the lights go out. A black vortex appears near the fountain and everyone looks.

"13 protect the students!!! Those are villains!!!" Mr.Aizawa shouts preparing for battle.

We all step back as we are told to run away. We turn to run, I don't want to stay, but, I can't move my legs. I can't move anything. I jump a little as someone grabs my wrist.

"Come on Sakura!!! We need to go!!!" Denki shouts.

He pulls me towards him, and we run. Only to be stopped, by the purple vortex.

"We are the League of Villains, through our intel, we were told All Might would be here, but it seems there was a change in your schedule." The black mist says.
"I am Kurogiri, and though All Might is not here, we cannot let you leave here alive." The mist finishes.

He spreads out and the purple mist starts to form around us. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I see Denki, trying to shield me from whatever is about to come. I feel my self shift, and the arms a separated from me. I fall, fall where? I don't exactly know, then I feel a wetness that wasn't there a moment ago. I'm in...water? This is a good thing. My ice is strong in the water. I feel myself get carried out of the water and now i'm on a boat, I look around and see, stupid pervy grape, Asui, Izuku and...Izumi?!

"Hey Sakura, are you okay?" Asui asks.

"I'm okay, how exactly do you guys plan on getting out of here?" I ask.

Izuku starts to mumble and I stop him.

"I have an idea, maybe what could happen, if you guys are alright with it, I could freeze the water with the Villains inside, and we could just walk across? Only concern is, I don't know how thick the ice would be covering this much space." I explain.

"It's a good idea! Definitely worth a try, quick question though. WHO WOULD TAKE THE FIRST STEP ON UNSTABLE ICE?!" Mineta screams.

"I would." I say.

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