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She moaned, a long, low sound that accompanied a noisy suck, and Tino held on to the steering wheel with both hands as if it were a life ring. He felt lightheaded, paralysed, hyperaware. He felt the world shifting around him even though traffic was at a standstill again.

"My—" She gave a little yelp, and he couldn't help a quick glance at the mirror, but it was too dark to see what he was doing to her. His girl.

Christian chuckled softly. "What was that?"

"My, um..." She sounded distracted, and her next words came out in a breathless rush. "My bra. I'm not wearing my ... uh, my bra."

"Tell him what I'm doing."

This time she didn't hesitate. "He's pinching me."

There was a smile in Christian's voice. "Where?"

Silence. There was silence until she gave a little sound of pain that made Tino's dick throb. He had to trust that she wasn't really hurt, because ... well, because he didn't want this—whatever this was—to stop. He checked the mirror, just in case, and saw Christian looking back, waiting.

"Tell me." Tino cleared his throat. "Tell me where."

She sighed, a sound of desire rather than capitulation. "My nipple. He's pinching my nipple."

"Is it hurting you, babe?"

"Um. A little."

"Let me fix that." A quick movement of air, and there it was again—wet noises. Sucking noises.

She groaned this time, and there was no shyness left.

"Tell me," Tino insisted. He felt helpless in the driver's seat, and he wanted to make sure she remembered that he was still here. Waiting.

"He's sucking them. Using his tongue to—to—"

He cut through two lanes of traffic so the car could pass right underneath the streetlights, swerving harder than was necessary. It made her moan even harder.

"He's flicking his tongue on my nipple."

He'd forgotten she won high school oratory three years in a row. She knew words, knew their power. She knew how to time her words so they reeled you in before she delivered the blow that would completely devastate you.

"And his finger..." She gasped, and it was so unexpected that he couldn't stop a matching sound escaping his throat. He glanced at the mirror. Her eyes were stunned, and met his hungry look with helpless arousal. "His finger is inside me."

He made it to her condo in ten minutes flat. He heard every breath, every lick, every moan, every bite. Because she told him everything. How the slick finger moved to rub against her clit, but not enough to push her to orgasm. That frustrated her. Join the club. Christian just laughed and told her not to be selfish. Not to make the game end too soon.

How the finger found its way to her mouth so she could taste herself. How she wished Santino could have a taste, too. How instead of sharing, her date rubbed her wetness on her nipples so he could lick it off, and how the finger was back inside her, and now there were two, and—

He yanked the parking brake and turned off the ignition on a harsh exhale and felt like he'd run a marathon. As soon as he had his seatbelt off, he swiveled, needing to see for himself.

They were kissing, tongues, hands, legs all tangled. Her breasts were in shadow, but her blouse was undone, and when they finally broke apart, he had a moment of confusion trying to decide if he wanted to drag her onto his lap, or drag her date out of the car and into the street, or maybe drag himself into a Grab before he did something she'd be unable to forgive. Because he wasn't sure exactly what she wanted.

The hesitation cost him. They giggled softly, like two naughty teenagers embarrassed to find themselves at the end of their first date. Pretty Boy let out a loud sound of satisfaction and ran a hand through his hair while she buttoned up her top and jeans, sparing Santino a quick glance as she did so, but no more than that.

He trailed them, ensuring the car was locked, as they walked in silence to her condo. They didn't hold hands, but Pretty Boy kept a hand on her back, looking right at home beside her as she led the way. Tino felt like he was in a dream—his limbs felt sluggish, his mind slow, and he wondered how he would feel when he had to leave her with another guy tonight.

In the elevator, they stood side by side, Cassie in the middle. Tino tried to hold himself steady. Be cool. Relax. He promised himself he would see her home, and it was up to her to decide how she wanted to end her date. None of my business.

Around the fifth floor, he felt a light hand on his arm as she gently turned him to face her. He couldn't read her expression, but maybe that was because he was too busy trying to figure out how he felt.

She went on her toes and brushed her lips against his. It was a gentle kiss. Tentative. He was too freaked out to do much except follow her mouth when she tried to pull away. Her date was standing right there, for god's sake.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, and his moment was lost as they walked the few steps to her place. He had her keys, and he fumbled with the lock as they talked in low voices behind him. She didn't look at him as she walked past, Christian trailing behind her, her pinky entwined with his pointer finger. Later he'd examine the sense of loss that seemed to have seeped into his bones from the moment he'd interrupted them mid-pash in his living room.

He stood uncertainly at the threshold as she stopped. They stood in profile, and for a second he thought he'd have to slam the door on their faces if they moved in for a movie-style make out session.

Instead, she looked at him from under her lashes and held out her hand.

She giggled when he dropped the keys on her open palm. The first familiar sound from this girl—this woman—he'd known maybe forever. He exhaled and smiled.

"Would you like to come in?"

And just like that, he was hard again.


Not sure if Tino really would've worn a seatbelt, but I'm all for safe smut! I hope you enjoyed this teaser for Truth or Dare. If you're wondering whether they really go there in the story, I'll leave you with a tiny spoiler: They really go there. 😊

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