
5.1K 20 7

I wasn't planning to post any more chapters for this story, but Truth or Dare hit the 5K milestone, and I think that deserves something special. To everyone who added the story to your reading list, voted, followed me, or asked for more chapters: THANK YOU. I hope you enjoy this extra tidbit. :)

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She got cold feet. When Tino shut the door quietly behind him, the dreamy bubble of arousal that Christian had created popped almost rudely, and the tingles of awareness in her body turned to ice.

She shut her eyes. Christian was nuzzling the sensitive part of her neck between her shoulder and her earlobes, and while it felt nice, she couldn't relax. She felt like a fraud. She worried that her best friend was in her condo for the wrong reasons. She worried about the morning after.

When she opened her eyes, Tino was watching her, his intensity startling. She felt shivery, like she was coming down with a cold, and she was pretty sure this wasn't the right frame of mind for an orgy. Or whatever it was she had invited him into. She blinked to clear her head—for all the good that did—and was surprised when he walked past her, careful not to make contact, and turned on the air conditioning as he headed for the kitchenette.

"Maybe you should let her breathe for a second." His voice was muffled by the sound of movement as he opened the fridge.

Christian finally eased up, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sorry," he grinned. "I got carried away."

He turned away before she could answer, but tangled his fingers around hers to pull her behind him as he made his way to her sofa. She resisted when he tried to tug her onto his lap, and instead made her way to Tino, who was pouring water into three tall glasses. She took one gratefully, using it as an excuse not to look at either guy, and resisting the temptation to slide the cool glass down her neck.

"Are we okay?" Tino's voice held a note of uncertainty she'd heard only once before. He's nervous. The realization calmed her. She knew she was changing the rules of their relationship, and it helped to know that he was putting as much at stake as she was.


She checked his eyes and liked was she saw, so she tugged him by the waistband and let him stumble onto her, pinning her against the dining table. Still, he resisted, his breath warm on her lips as he braced his hands on the tabletop. Cassie decided she liked him a little unbalanced, a little disheveled—and a lot aroused, judging by that pressure on her thigh.

She kissed him softly. No tongue. She thought that would help him relax. Instead, his entire body became taut, and she was afraid he'd pull away. But he took a deep breath and rested his forehead against hers, refusing to meet her eyes.

She cupped his cheek. "We're okay."

"What about the tequila?"

"It's not the tequila," she reassured him. He sounded more like a brother than a lover, and she didn't know how she would cope if he changed his mind now.

He turned his head so his lips brushed her palm, and there was something about the movement of his shoulders that made her think he finally believed her.

He kissed her wrist. She put the glass down so she could slip a hand under his shirt. She touched him tentatively, feeling muscle and warmth. He moaned and dove for her mouth, and this time he took control and she let herself be devoured. He shifted, and suddenly he was the aggressor, and oh, god, the ache between her legs was intense, and his thigh was just there, so she rubbed herself on him, the friction of her jeans both arousing and frustrating, and her hand was climbing higher, the other on his neck, holding on for dear life. Her fingertips brushed a nipple, and it was like turning on a switch, because he only paused long enough to whip his t-shirt off before he was back in her space, and this time his hands were everywhere, he was everywhere, and when he fumbled to unsnap her bra as his teeth grazed her ear, she shivered and gasped and nearly fell out of her skin.

"Hey," Christian whispered, suddenly next to her. He put a finger under her chin and gently lifted her face to his, giving her a slow, open-mouthed kiss just as Tino's tongue found her nipple.

She had never felt anything like this. Christian sucked her tongue as Tino suckled, and she moaned, the sound coming from deep within, from arousal that came from a secret place she hadn't known existed in her.

Christian chuckled. "Good girl."

She bit his lip in protest, but he merely smiled before plunging his hand under her open shirtfront and giving her other nipple a firm pinch.

She gasped, and Tino was there, grazing it with his teeth, then laving with his tongue.

"Bad girl, then," Christian smirked. "Let's see how bad you can be, Cassandra."


You can find the rest of the story (it's very short!) on Amazon -- link above or you can find it on my profile. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can access the book for free. Thank you for commenting and liking the excerpts. It took a while to finish and edit, and I hope it was worth the wait. :)

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