Chapter 3

630 41 9

bold is in japanese

Sakura studying in her classroom when suddenly Chaewon come and sit beside her.

"Kkura unnie ,what are you doing??" Chaewon ask.

"I'm reading some notes for class today.Where's Nako??"

"Nako chan is buying some food since she said she hungry." Chaewon said while playing her phone making Sakura nod her head.

Sakura and Chaewon continue their chatting when suddenly Chaeyeon come to the classroom and walk to them.

"Oh!Annyeong Chaewon yah~Saku chan" Chaeyeon greet them with a wide smile.

"Annyeong Chaeyeon unnie." Chaewon replied while Sakura just smile.

"What are you guys doing??Where's Nako chan??"

"Kkura unnie is reading some notes while Nako chan is buying some food since she hungry."Chaeyeon nod at Chaewon reply.

Chaeyeon then place her bag at the chair that Chaewon sit before she take her wallet.(wallet that the usual men wear.not the purse)She then look at both of the girls.

"Saku chan,do you want me to buy anything for you??food or drinks since i'm going to cafeteria to buys some snack." Chaeyeon ask making Sakura think for awhile before look at Chaeyeon.

"Ani~Gwaenchana~I'm not hungry."Sakura shaking her head and smile to Chaeyeon.

"Jinjja??"Sakura nod her head making Chaeyeon shrugged her shoulder and turn to look at Chaewon.

"How about you Chaewon yah?Do you want anything??"Chaeyeon ask.

"Ani.Its okay.I already ask Nako chan to buy it for me."Chaeyeon just nod and smile.

"Arraso.I will go for awhile.Please take care of Sakura ok?"Chaeyeon said making Sakura look at her.

"Nanii??I'm not a kid.I can take care of myself." Sakura said making Chaeyeon laugh.

"You're still a kid to me. Chaewon yah,keep an eye to her ok??I will go first.Byee~"Chaeyeon said while patting Sakura head before run away.

"Aish jinjja~"Sakura said and fix her hair while just laughing look at their behaviour.

"Chaeyeon unnie is really funny." Chaewon continue laughing making Sakura just sigh.

"She always treat me like a kid but its okay since I didn't mind at all."Sakura said.

"Yeah me too since Chaeyeon unnie take care of us very well so I didn't mind at all."Earning a nod from Sakura.

Both of them silent for a while before Sakura said something.

"I suddenly feel like want to drink a chocomilk."

"Yah Kkura unnie~Just now when Chaeyeon unnie ask you said that you didn't want anything but now you suddenly want chocomilk." Chaewon said with a -_- face making Sakura just grin.

"Hehe.I also don't know.Suddenly craving for chocomilk."

"Do you want me to message Chaeyeon unnie??" Chaewon ask.

"Ani,its okay.I will buy it later after class."

"Okay then." Chaewon just nod her head.

After a few minutes,Chaeyeon and Nako walk to the classroom with Hitomi and Eunbi beside them while laughing.

Chaeyeon then walk to Chaewon and Sakura before give something to Sakura.

"Here.Take this."

"Ehhhhh.What is this??" Sakura ask with a wide eyes.

"Chocomilk for you.I know its your favourite so I buy it for you." Chaeyeon said then place the chocomilk on Sakura's table.

"C-chaeyeon ah but I didn't.... I will pay it later,ok??" Sakura said while looking at Chaeyeon.

"Eyyy.No need to pay for it since its my treat."Chaeyeon said while smiling.

"Heol unnie.How do you know that Kkura unnie craving for chocomilk??Daebak~" Chaewon said while looking at Chaeyeon with a disbelief looks.

"Telepathy maybe."Chaeyeon said while chuckle.

"Chaewon ah here~" Nako then come and give Chaewon her food.

"Oh thanks Nako chan" Chaewon said earning a nod from Nako.

"I will go to Hi chan and Eunbi for awhile since they ask me to help them.Saku chan,take this.I know you didn't eat anything this morning and its already 3pm now.So eat this.I will go first. Annyeong~"Chaeyeon said and give Sakura a Ham sandwich with onigiri before left the trio.

"C-chaeyeon...aishh this girl"Sakura just sigh while looking at the food.

"Wahhh Saku chan~I'm really jealous of you since Chaeyeon unnie really treat you very well." Chaewon said while looking at Sakura.

"Yeah I agree.When Chaeyeon unnie and I at the cafeteria just now.Chaeyeon unnie really want to buy the chocomilk and that onigiri since she said that both are Saku chan's favourite and Saku chan also didn't eat anything from morning."Nako said making Chaewon just look at her with a wide mouth while Sakura just sigh before smile.

"Chaeyeon unnie always think about Saku chan first than herself." Chaewon nod at Nako's word before she look at Sakura who is drinking her drink.

"Kkura unnie,why don't you just couple with Chaeyeon unnie since Chaeyeon unnie take a good care of you." Chaewon ask making Sakura startled.

"Eyyyy,What do you mean?We're just friends only.I'm only see her as my best friend."Sakura said while eating her sandwich.

"Its a waste then since I really think both of you really suit to each other." Chaewon said with a sad face.

"Yeah but I really want and hope that something miracle will happen and you guys dating each other."Nako said earning a nod from Chaewon.

"Thats impossible Nako chan."

"Nothing is impossible, Saku chan"

Sakura just silent when she heard what Nako say and then look at Chaeyeon who is with Hitomi and Eunbi before she continue eating her sandwich.

author note : an update for u guys!! please² leave a comment so i know what u guys thought for this story n leave an upvote too..pleasee(╥﹏╥)

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