Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Fear the Shadows

"'Cos there's something on your mind. Was that a noise outside your window? What's that shadow on the blind?" -AC/DC: Night Prowler.


 "Was that everything you dreamed and hoped for?" Tony asks as we have finished our tour of the Washington Monument.

 "Yeah, the view was amazing!" I nod with enthusiasm, for I can now say I have been to such a historical building, "Did you send that picture to mom?"

 "Not yet," Tony pulls out his phone.

 Tony had mentioned the idea of taking a picture of me while at the top of the monument to send to my mom. He snapped a picture of me flashing a huge smile with the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in the background through the window. Tony works on sending the picture as we walk outside. The warm, humid air hits us as the light gray sky blocks the sunlight.

 "Is there any other place you want to go? We have an hour before we're meeting Rhodey for dinner," Tony asks.

 "I don't have anything in mind," I shake my head, "I would love to go to the Smithsonian, but I think it would be impossible to visit it in only an hour."

 "Yeah, another time for that," He agrees as he pockets his phone.

 "What if we just grabbed a drink? Like at a coffee house?" I suggest, looking over to the rippling pool.

 "Sure, I know a good place."

 Tony and I walk beside the pool towards the car. It's a long walk before we reach the street. I take the passenger's seat as Tony starts the ignition. He speeds away from the curb as he takes a road that heads up north.     

 We have to slow down as we enter an older, downtown part of Washington DC. Weathered brick buildings surround the one-way street as people stroll down the sidewalks. Stunning cherry blossom trees shade the street. I find a sense of calmness in exploring this unfamiliar city. The photogenic district reminds me of a place I have always longed for. Tony parallel parks against the curb under one of these trees. I see a sign on a brick building with the name "Filter".

 "Come on," Tony leads me into this building.

 I enter a beautiful modern coffeehouse with a rustic feel. The exposed brick walls and old cement floors contrast with the contemporary orange accents decorating the coffee shop. There's a small line at the front counter where we take our spot at the end. They have good service, so we do not stay at the end for too long.       

 "Hi, what can I get- oh my gosh, you're Tony Stark!" The male barista's eyes widen as he realizes who his customer is. My dad smiles briefly in acknowledgement. "Wow, and you're his daughter, aren't you? You've been all over the news! Oh my gosh. Is it too much to ask for a picture?"

 "Not at all," My dad is unphased by the recognition as the barista gets out his phone. He turns around so he can get all three of us in the photo. He snaps a group photo of us by himself. I feel slightly awkward, for never have I been wanted for a picture by a stranger.

 "Wow, thank you!" He exclaims as he examines the picture, "Okay, sorry, can I take your order?"

 After ordering a cup of coffee for him and a latte for me, we find a seat upstairs. We have only been seated a moment when a waitress brings us our drinks. I notice there is a cute fern design in the foam on top of my drink. I grin to myself as it seems to add to the artistic atmosphere.

 "How did you know about this place?" I ask as I take a timid sip on my hot drink.

 "I've been here before," Tony answers dismissively.

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