The Laptop

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Perspective of Alex Charge

"In every surveillance camera video, he is carrying a bag. There must be something in it. Something really important but when we searched his house we didn't saw this bag." I said, "I think the bag has something in it, something which might aid him in killing all these people.".

"We can't just steal his bag, can we?" Murphy sputtered.

"We are going to exactly do that." I said, "Can you steal that bag for use Daniels?" I requested.

"Hell no, I am not ready to die, besides it's against the law." Daniel said.

"I agree with him." Murphy said.

"Sometimes to bring someone to justice we have to break some laws. You already are risking your lives when you first stepped in this room, don't pussy out." I convinced them.

"Wha- Can w- Gimmie a sec." Daniel stuttered.

"If we somehow get that bag we might find the proof we need to convict that son of a bitch, think about it." I said.

"Okay okay, I'll do it." Daniel said.

"You sure?" Murphy questioned.

"Yeah, I have no other option." Daniel said.

"Okay, I want you to mug him outside his apartment and then return to HQ after you are sure that he is not following you okay?" I directed.

"Yeah sure." Daniel answered.

"Wait why can't Murphy go?" He questioned.

"Hey don't drag me into this." Murphy replied.

"Because he has seen our faces." I answered.

"Oh well!" Daniel said and Murphy sighed in relief.

Perspective of Daniels Smith

This was the most daring task I've ever taken in my life. I didn't want to take it but I have no choice, do I? I was leaning against the wall of Abaddon's apartment. There I saw him going out the door with a briefcase type bag between his arm and body. I went up to him.

"Hello, sir." I said.

"Hi." Abaddon responded, "What can I do for you?

"Well, I was wondering if I could... FUCKING SNATCH YOUR BAG!" I roared and took the bag in a single powerful jerk and started running. There was definitely something in it, something valuable. He was still running behind me. "Guys I need a car to pick me up!" I told Alex and Murphy.

"On it, where are you?" They replied.

"Like 4 blocks south of The Lair, Abaddon's apartment." I said.

"Pick you up at his apartment then." They said.

"What? Oh okay. I'll try to uhh take a turn at the next block." I answered.

He was still behind me running like a machine. I turned at the next black and saw a black car with Murphy and Alex sitting in it and the door was opened. I quickly jumped in and the car sped off. Abaddon was left behind and I could see that he was boiling with anger.

"What's in the bag?" Alex said.

I opened the bag and found a laptop, "A laptop?" I answered.

"Can you login?" Alex said.

"Nope, it's a strange one though." I replied.

Perspective of Alex Charge

We reached the HQ pretty soon. The laptop was pretty strange, we couldn't do anything with it. What if I sacrifice Daniel?

"I'll be taking this laptop to my home to study it." I requested.

"Fine, we'll be here." Murphy replied.

I drove to Abaddon's apartment and put the laptop there along with a phone number.

I gave a light knock and ran away into my car and after like 5 minutes I got a call from someone.

"Hello, Abaddon." I said, "I can help you get rid of that mugger.".

"Why would you do that?" He replied anxiously.

"Because I am your supporter." I answered, a long pause and then he replied, "Okay I need a name."

"Daniel Smith" I answered.

"Thank you for your help." He said and hanged the call. I drove back to HQ, maneuvered through the halls swiftly and entered our room.

"Murphy?" I said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Where's Daniels?" I asked.

"Went to use the loo." He said, "Why?"

"He disappeared." I said.

Murphy jumped up from his chair. "How do you know that?" He questioned.

"I gave his name to Abaddon, if he really is missing then this proves that Abaddon is the devil behind all this." I calmly said.

"You sacrificed Daniel?" He roared, "You son of a bitch." He accosted me and shoved me, "You just killed Daniel?".

"For the good of the world." I replied.

"For the good of world eh?" He said, "Am leavin' I don't know if I end up dead because of you too, and I don't want that to happen."

"Okay." I chuckled, "More credits for me I guess."

After two days since Daniel disappeared, I reported my assessment to Police and we were ready to arrest Abaddon.

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