CHAPTER 4: Dig, Build

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It was two hours since I started digging. I am tired and exhausted. I need a small break. Just a little one. With that in mind, I walk over to waterfall to get a fresh drink.

The water gracefully falls, ready for someone or something to use its precious water for survival. "Beauty, do you need some water?" I ask her. She trots over. She nays while reaching down for a nice, cool drink. After, she looks very satisfied.

Right then, I turn to start up working again. I dig and dig, which seems like forever. I am only six and I bet I am working harder than a mother with ten children. My arms are sweating and my mouth hangs open, gasping for air. I almost feel like a wet dog. My hair falls out of its ribbon and makes me even more hot. I feel I'm going to pass out.

After two more drink breaks, I have dinner. I have to start gathering food for supper, soon. I am not going to be able to eat in the winter if I don't gather food. That puts me into a worried, but determined mood. I need to get this house thing finished.

After dinner, I set out to do some more digging. The sun is beaming now and I am instantly hot. I grab the shovel and start digging. I know I don't want a big house, but a decent size. I feel almost done with the digging. With the thought of this I work harder.I bring the shovel back and plow it right through the ground. Twenty minutes go by and I am nearly finished. Ten feet by eight feet, with a two foot drop.

I so want to get done with this so I rush, bringing the shovel back and ramming it through the earth. After a  couple digs, I look up still shoveling. I smile at Beauty and then pain hit me. I accidentally rammed the shovel right into my foot. It especially hurts when your bare footed. "Ouchhhhh!" I shriek pain, "darn, oh dang it! Help! Oh ouch!! " I hold my foot, squeezing it. I rock back and forth. I finally look at it with tears in my eyes. It's bleeding bad and my foot starts to swell. Oh great, I say in my mind. My head beats and so does my foot. I fall down with much pain and everything goes blank.
I suddenly wake up with less pain before. I slowly get up and start to limp over to the waterfall. MAan, it hurts. I call for Beauty to come. She comes. Oh thank goodness. I need her to stable me as I walk. I hug her and lean on her soft, brown skin. I start walking. She follows.

We finally got to the waterfall. I dip my leg in the cool water. It feels a million times better. I then rip a big chunk off of my dress and wrap it around the wound. "That should hold and stop the bleeding." I mutter to my self, getting up. I make a plan in my head, I must gather now and finish digging tomorrow. That plan was good for me. I walk into the forest with Beauty by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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