Chapter 8

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Sage's POV

I opened the door to the house. Taylor and I walked in. It was oddly quiet. "Honey I'm home!" I yelled. No reply. That's odd. "Who were you yelling to?" Taylor asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh it's just this thing me and Aurora do." I told him. I grabbed his hand and lead him in to the kitchen. I grabbed a water and a lollipop. I unwrapped the lollipop and put it in my mouth. Still holding Taylor's hand I dragged him into the living room. When we got into the living room I noticed everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor. They were just sitting there. Aurora was sitting in Aaron's lap. "Uh guys what's going on?" I asked. Aurora looked up from Aaron and looked at us. It looked like she's been crying. "Take a seat guys." She said. I went and sat in the circle next to Carter with Taylor sitting next to Shawn. Well that was weird. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Sage promise not to get mad." Cameron said. "Well I can't promise if I don't know what happened." I spat. Cameron gave me a disapproving look. "Fine." I sighed. "I promise." Carter grabbed me hand. I looked down at it and then looked at Taylor. When I looked at him he was to busy looking at his phone. Okay then? I decided to let Carter hold my hand because Taylor didn't seem to care about me this moment. "Sage." Aurora said. I looked at her. Something is wrong. I looked around the circle and noticed Matt was missing. Apparently Carter saw my questioning look because he gave my hand a squeeze. I looked at Carter and could see years in his eyes. "Just tell me." I told them.

"Sage, Matt was in a car accident today." Aurora said.

"We found out that the other person purposely caused the accident." Aaron said.

"Well do you know who did it was?" I asked shocked by this news. Tears started welling up in my eyes.

"Sage it was." Cameron said sighing.

I let go if Carter's hand and jumped up. "Just tell me goddammit!" I yelled at him.

They all seem a little taken back by my action. Especially Aurora. In the two years we have known each other she has not seen me at like this before.

"Sage it was Haylee who caused the accident." Cameron said.

"What?" I said. Shit here come the tears. I slowly sat back down where I was. Tears were spilling down my face. Without even caring I sat on Carter's lap and hugged him. He was surprised at my actions first but then he comforted me. "Shh." Carter whispered in my ear while rubbing my back. Once the news got to me and I stop crying. I got off of Carter's lap. I grabbed the keys to Aurora's car and walked out the door. I got in the car and started it up. After slamming the door and buckling my seat belt. I left. Let me tell you something that bitch is going to pay.

------Authors Note---

Hey peoples!

I hope you liked the chapter!

It's kind of a cliffhanger.

Ooh Haylee is back.

Matt got in a car accident.

Is he gonna be alright?

What is Sage going to do to Haylee?

Why was Taylor ignoring Sage?


Well I love you all!

Stay rad, Stay Weird, Stay Beautiful.


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