chapter 16_The End???

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Before I start this imma let you know now. I was too lazy to write each of their skates so I'll let that be to your imagination.
Nobody POV

Yuzu and Mei we're currently talking to some of the coaches. Everyone finally had a turn at going and it was finally time for them to find out the scores.

Yurio was getting interviewed along with Dawn, Victor, Kaian, Nino, and Aden. Harumin and Matsuri were talking to some coaches also who took a small interest in them.

They were all pretty busy until they heard a booming voice over head.

"Everyone, it is time for the scores!" At this, everyone made their way to the benches. They sat down and waited anxiously.

"Hey guys.." Dawn said. Surprisingly, she didn't have her squeaky voice like normal. This time, her voice was low and deep.

"No matter what happens, we'll always be friends. Okay?" Everyone mumbles a yeah.

When it came to these situations it got very serious. This was the kind of thing to find out who moved on and who stayed back. Yuzu was looking down while Yurio sat next to her.

Yurio looked at her and sighed. "Yuzu..I'm sorry for being an asshole when we first started skating"

Yuzu looked shocked. She didn't expect Yurio, of all people, to be apologizing. She looked at him and nodded. He smiled awkwardly and turned back to face the audience.

He was nervous, everyone was, but Yurio had it bad. His fingers were shaking and he was practically struggling to breath and blink right. Dawn noticed this and held his hand which calmed him down a bit.

After a while the speakers come on and the ranks show up in front of everybody.

"In Fifth place we have Nino and Kaian!" Nino and Kaian's eyes widen as their hearts nearly stopped.

They weren't disappointed really but wasn't really proud either. Nino felt tears in her eyes but she held them back. She didn't want to cry, she had to be grateful.

"In Fourth place we have Victor and Aden!" Victor stood up and went on his knees as he started crying loudly.

He wasn't disappointed at all. He was very happy to say the least. He didn't care if they didn't make first he was just glad he made it on the ranks. Aden on the other hand was the very opposite. He was crying because he wanted to be first.

He wanted everybody to look at him like he was a shining star. Like he was a god. He clenched his fists tightly as victor gained his composer and sat next to him again.

"In Third place we have Harumin and Matsuri!" Matsuri jumped up from her seat while Harumin say there shocked.

Tears formed in their eyes as Matsuri bent down and kissed Harumin. It was a slow and sweet kiss to celebrate that they made it. As they pulled away Yurio was fidgeting rapidly. The only ones who weren't called were him and Dawn and Yuzu and Mei.

His heart was accelerating at a fast rate and honestly he thought he was gonna die. He slowed his breathing down and blinked away his fear.

"In Second place we have Yurio and Dawn!" Yurio couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

Dawn jumped up and cried as she hugged all her friends while Yurio stood there in shock. He looked down and clenched his fists tightly. Yuzu looked at him and felt a pain. She stood up and walked up to him.

Yurio kept his head down until he felt Yuzu's arms around him. That's it. That's all it took. He broke down into a fit of sobs as everyone gave them their little moment. Some of the crowd even 'awed' a little. Yuzu broke the hug and smiled at him.

"You did fantastic Yurio, I'm proud" she said as she couldn't help but feel the lump in her throat. Yurio smiled bright as he sat back down so they could continue on.

"And last but not least, in First place we have...."

"Simon and Lina!" Yuzu's heart dropped.

All her friends were called. Every got damned one of them. But her and Mei. Everybody was silent as they heard the slight cheers farther down from them. Yuzu closed her eyes and drowned out the sounds around her. She couldn't take it. She felt like she had to puke.

"Oh sorry there folks there was a misshapen in the results" the announcer said.

Yuzu opened her eyes in hope. They got it wrong she thought. That meant there was a chance she could still win.

"They actual winners of First place goes to..."

"Yuzu and Mei!" Yuzu and Mei both jumped up and hugged each other.

Everyone in their group got up and hugged each other. Tears were all streaming down their faces and the happiness they felt was unbearable.

Yuzu smiled as she gripped Mei's hand tightly. She never wanted to let go of this moment. No one did. So they stayed like that. Hugging each other and crying in their arms.

They couldn't have been any happier.

So, shit ending yes I know. This was a fuckin mistake too. I knew I should have never wrote this book but once I start a book I have to finish it. Also I never edit these so yeah. Btw I'm going to have a new book. A WAY BETTER BOOK. Coming out soon. Or at least whenever I finish My Ninja. I promise that'll be a Wayyyyyy better book than the others. And I promise to do I say this...BE A GOOD UPDATER. yes my updates are shitty and I have literally no excuse. But I will try and update my ninja a lot more often so I can try and start my newer book. So no more talking. Here is the end of My Little Ice Skater. I hope you enjoyed my shitty book :).

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