Prologue:From a Hellhole to an Asylum

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(I own nothing, enjoy)

Naruto stumbled through the forest outside of Konoha, blood caking his small malnourished body. He tripped, and cried out in pain as he fell against a tree, ripping a cut on his head he had received five minutes prior even wider, blood spilling out quickly.

Tears flowed from his eyes as blood dribbled from his mouth and down his chin, both landing on the beautiful green grass of the forest. The red haired boy stared at the blood on the ground as he began to become woozy, the site disgusting him. Suddenly, he found his hands had failed him and he fell face first into the blood stained grass.

"Is this it...?" Naruto whispered to the empty forest. "Is this how I'm going to die?" more tears came from his eyes, mixing with his blood as it smeared his whisker marked cheeks. "I don't want to die!" Naruto exclaimed to the heavens as he rolled himself over and onto his back, blood continuing to cover him and the ground.

"I... I don't want to die!I'm scared of dying!"He cried out, his voice echoing around the tree covered clearing.

" fear dying?"Came a low raspy voice. Naruto's body jumped slightly as he looked up at who was talking to him. It was a man with dark black, latex skin, a low black hat with a giant round visor. He wore a hang-tie around his neck, a black shirt, black trench coat, black pants, black shoes and was wielding a dark brown walking stick.

"Is that all you fear?" Naruto watched the man in terror as he picked his body up just enough to scramble back against the very same tree that had opened the gash on his forehead wider

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"Is that all you fear?" Naruto watched the man in terror as he picked his body up just enough to scramble back against the very same tree that had opened the gash on his forehead wider."Or do you even fear it at all? Maybe you are making yourself believe you fear death, but maybe it runs deeper than that. I've seen you around your village, and while you seem to believe that you fear many things, I believe that you make yourself fear them, so you can play a fool around your village, and draw attention to yourself, as to make up for your lack of parents."

Naruto's breathing became rapid as the frightening man started to walk towards him. Noticing a slightly shining object in the leaves on the ground near him, Naruto grabbed it and pulled a rusted and broken Kunai from the ground before pointing it at the unafraid man."Stay back,I'm a ninja in training! I'll-"

"You'll do what young one? Kill me? I'm not so sure. Your beating heart and rapid breathing show me that you're afraid, therefore, if you throw your weapon, an inexperienced shinobi such as yourself will miss because of your fear." The man replied as he continued his track towards the young boy.

Naruto's big ocean blue eyes widened in more fear."I said stay away from m-" The boy's sentence was cut short as the frightening man interrupted.

"I'm sorry,but I can't do that."


"Your eyes young one. You have the same eyes as me. The ones that scream for help and recognition. The same that scream for revenge on those whom wrong you. Through those eyes I see myself in you. And as such, I feel that you are a child conceived to be mine, as I can not conceive my own."

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