Chapter 1: annoyences

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Sheila is a 13 year old girl who has 2 little brothers and 2 little sisters. Sheila has brightly colored pink hair, ocean blue eyes and a her skin tone is a Sandy tan. Her first younger brothers name is Cody. He has short, shaggy, brown hair and his eyes are an Emerald green. Her other brothers name is Luka. He has black midnight hair that covers half his face and his eyes are a deep brown. Her first sisters name is Violet. Her hair is a pretty turquoise and, like Sheila, has ocean blue eyes. Sheila's last sibling, sisters name is Rose. Her hair is a deep purple and her eyes are a Violet colour. Everyday Sheila has to put up with their crying and whining, everyday she has to put up with their fighting and arguments. So this is a story about a young girl named Sheila and she has a plan to get rid of them! **Contains gore and violence**

Sheila's POV:
Hi, my name is Sheila and this is my story on how my life can be a total suck up! This story contains Gore, violence and swearing, so while you read this please don't tell me I didn't warn you, ok? Before we begin I would also like to thank the lovely artists who made the pictures used in the story and the author herself, August0306. Alright here's how Chapter one goes. It was like any other day, the sun was shining brighter then ever and I was on my laptop doing homework! Yay great start! It was in the middle of summer and I planned on taking my younger siblings out somewhere awesome. That's when I found a barn that has animals and my siblings Love animals.
So much I think they would die if they didn't know animals existed! I wanted to research more about it (y'know to make sure it's not a scam) and turns out there's horses on the farm! I love horses, such beautiful creatures. I remember when I was little I loved horse back riding! Except I was too scared to actually ride the horse heh, heh. Yeah anyway, while I was typing probably wrong answers for my homework, Cody, my little brother who's 5 came to the doorway. "Knock, knock!" I ignore him and continue typing, pretending he's not there. But of course, he knocks again. I sigh and turn my head. "What, can't you see I'm busy here?" I say angrily. "V-violet is ch-chewing a cr-crayon..." My brother said. He's shy so he studders a lot! I got out of my bed, closing my laptop and follow my brother into the living room. I see my 2 year old sister chewing on a yellow crayon. "NO!" I yell and take the crayon away from her. I then smack her hand, not hard, and put the crayon out of reach. She starts crying (of course) so I kneel down beside her and start explaining why I did what I did. "What the hell?! Why am i explaining this to a child?! This messed up!" I thought. She slowly stopped crying and I got up and went back upstairs to my room to finish my homework. Now your probably wondering, "where are the parents?" Well our parents passed away 2 years ago in a fire. Yeah the house lit on fire, our dad saved me and my siblings but when he tried to save mom, it was too late, then he died cause the house exploded. Our aunt gave me money too buy a new house and now we live here. Sad story isn't it... anyway, once I got upstairs and sat on my bed, my phone rang. It was my bff, Jessica. She was my friend since kindergarten. It was awesome! But then she moved to Chicago and I never saw her again. I mean FaceTime sure, but not IRL. I live in Canada, Hamilton Ontario. We used to live in New York but then we moved to New Jersey, then the house fire happened then we moved to Canada to live with our aunt! Then we got a house next to our aunt. I answered the phone and Jessica suddenly started rambling about a game called Yandere simulator. I thought it was cool, then I got the perfect idea!

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