Chapter One

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   I remember darkness and scream.

  I opened my eye ,greeted by another eye that were similar to mine.Am i alive?.I smiled brightly, greeting the eyes above me.

  "Margret, am i alive? How long have I been asleep?You look so different now.", I smile faded when looked around the room.Where am i ?.The room is pure white like those room that I've only seen in the movies that talks about future. Are we dead? Are we kidnapped or fall to a black hole and transferred into another dimension? Questions keep on popping out from my mind.

  "No...I am Alex, your sister's great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter. Someone found you under the ice of the Semonic Sea, you were still breathing's they reported to the police office. You are a miracle ."Alex said, my tear dropped from my eye to my bed, how it be? How could Margret die without me, I haven't even seen her daughter and her husband yet.

  "It's ok, Margret had a great life before she die, she recorded everything that is important to her in the storage room, she prepared it for you, I will get it sometimes after you get better." Alex assured me, " She never believe that you died." She said.

  "How long have I been sleeping? Can you hand me that mirror please?", she turn around and hand me the perfectly built mirror, so pretty, so different from the 20 century, but it did the same.

  "You've been under the ice for almost 2000 years, we all know your story as Margret story was told by generation to generations.And your face still look like 18. You've proven that icing your body could make you rise from the dead.According to Doctor Rowdwill ,you can stay like this forever.No dying and suffering,200 years under the ice make you earn the regeneration of your body cell. Now would you like to check your perfect face?" ,she smiled at me and I do the same. I was happy that my sister's descendant is polite and gorgeous .i rises the mirror to my face, a beautiful woman looked back.I almost can't rememberer my face, those eyes, nose, lips, they were more perfect than when it was 2000 years ago. Perhaps, frozen in the ice for 2000 years wasn't a bad things after all ,and i could live forever.

  "Wait, where am I?"I looked around the square room for door,Am i being locked?

  "Don't worry it's our family's private hospital." she explained while pouring a cup of water for me. "You, are the most amazing thing that we have ever seen. Dr. Merlin, my brother, is going to examine you later. There will be some blood test and mobility test, just to see your body state, nothing bad. We would also run some test on you when you are starting to recover, it will bring a breakthrough for our hospital." 

  Am I the study subject now?


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