2. Secret {Seungcheol}

950 23 3


Word Count: 1074
Story Type: [ Cute/Romantic/Heart-warming ]

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*___*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*___*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*___*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You nervously twiddled your fingers under the table in front of you, anxiety making you more nervous and afraid than you were before. You knew doing things like this was risky, but he begged you— you couldn't deny his cute puppy eyes.

You started regretting agreeing to this, your heart pounding dangerously hard against your chest. You began fidgeting and analyzing everything around you— from the drink on your table, the waiters who were paying no attention to you, to your outfit. You suddenly felt self-conscious about your outfit you wore.

Would he like it? Did it make you look fat? You should've worn something more cute or attractive, you might be an embarrassment to him with this look.

All your negative thoughts were stopped when you heard the door's bell jingle, signaling someone had entered. Your eyes met with his— barely showing through his mask and hat he had on.

He walked over towards you, extending his hand towards you to help you but— instantly pulling you into a hug.

"Did I make you wait long?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around his torso, enjoying how his fragrance instantly calmed you down. You no longer felt anxious or nervous— just pure bliss and happiness to be in his arms.

But as soon as he pulled away, you could feel those emotions fill your chest once more.

"No, I just got here a few minutes ago." you stated, nodding your head towards the table.

"I ordered for you, I hope you don't mind." You sat back down, him following suit as he sat across from you. You could see his eyes drink behind the hat— indicating he was smiling.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." he slipped his mask down a bit, taking a sip of the drink. You copied his action, taking a drink of yours as well. The air felt comfortable and relaxed around him— unlike your tense one.

"Seungcheol, are we really about to do this?" you asked, fiddling with the handle on your cup—not able to make eye contact with him. There was a moment of silence between you two as you waited for his answer.

You just couldn't help but feel like something could go wrong.

A warm hand was placed on your shaking ones, making you instantly look up. Seungcheol mask was still down, showing you his whole face. His eyes made your heart was to leap out of your throat— so tender and welcoming.

"It's okay to be nervous, I promise everything will turn out fine." he smiled, intertwining his fingers with yours. You gave him a small smile, before nodding.

After finishing your drinks, he payed before you both left— making sure his mask and hat were secured tightly. The last thing you two wanted was a mob of fans chasing after you two.

Especially when they don't know their beloved S. Coups is in a relationship.

You finally reached your destination— your heart beating rapidly. You couldn't help but want to turn around and leave before it was too late. You didn't want to know the outcome of what you were about to do. You didn't want your dream you've been living in to finally crumble.

Your boyfriend pushed the doors open, heading straight towards the door that awaited your doom. You wanted to walk as slow as possible, taking your time to get there before it was time— but Seungcheol had other plans.

His knuckles hit smoothly against the door, echoing down the hallway. A faint voice told you two to enter, making the door swing widely as you were pulled in behind Seungcheol, his hand still grasping yours tightly.

Inside the office sat all the boys and their manager, either in chairs or standing around the room— everyone staring at you two and your intertwined fingers that felt like it was burning.

"S. Coups, you wanted to speak with all of us?" Vernon asked curiously, confused as why his leader had called an emergency meeting during their free-time, especially with their manager. Seungcheol took a deep breathe before pulling you to his side— raising yours and his hand in the air for everyone to see.

"I would like to confirm that I am officially dating my best friend, (Y/n), and I know it's against the rule but I have almost know her my whole life. I can't hide my feelings and relationship anymore. I will accept any kind of punishment except separating from her." He declared firmly, shocking almost everyone half to death.

Seungcheol stared directly at the manager, who didn't seem to fazed by his statement, face almost blank with no expression.

"Okay, I'm fine with this." they said, before grabbing another file— skimming through it before typing on the keyboard. Everyone stared back and forth between their manager and their leader— completely shocked and confused by everything.

Seungcheol was also shocked, not expecting to win so easily. He had planned to put up a fight— knowing the strict rule of no dating.

"You said you've know her your whole life, if she hasn't done anything wrong so far— I don't see why you two can't be together." They said before shooing everyone out of their office. You didn't know if you could completely grasp what was happening, it all seeming to quick and easy for you.

Before you had time to process it, everyone surrounded you and your boyfriend, congratulating and questioning you both. You couldn't help feel as if a heavy weight was lifted off your chest. You and Seungcheol could finally go out in public together, you could meet the members, and finally tell everyone that Seungcheol was yours.

"Aish! The leader is finally getting tied down." Seungkwan complained, throwing his arms around Jeonghan, fake crying. Everyone began laughing as your face flush crimson red.

"Hey! We aren't married." you whined, pouting as the members began teasing you.

"Yet~" he heard Seungcheol snicker as everyone went into chaos. You face was bright red, feeling as if it was on fire. Your heart was beating harder than ever before— you felt as if you would pass out any second.

But in all honestly, you wouldn't mind marrying your best friend.

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