{6}\ \ \Why do you want to know?/ / /{6}

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Jill, my cousin, smiles. 'We should take the babies out today! We can just say they're my siblings since I don't live in town.' I sigh playing with Willows' hair. 'I don't know, she looks a lot like Craig.' Jill grabs my shoulder. 'You haven't left the house since you gave birth to them.'

I shrugged looking at Hunter. 'Fine.' I get up placing Hunter in a stroller and holding Willow, we start walking as we arrive at a cafe, we walk in and get seated, I place Willow in a babies seat next to her brother Hunter, we order food as Willow starts making grabby hands at me.

I grin at her making grabby hands back. . .she's so cute. I hide my face behind my hands playing peek-a-boo with her until I hear someone clear there throat, I look up to see Craig. . . I sigh grabbing Willow out of her chair and placing her in my lap, Jill grabs Hunter starting to feed him.

Willow grabs my face and shirt, I sigh. 'Hi.' Craig says. 'Hey. . .who's kids are those?' He looks closer at Willow as I move her back to him. 'Why do you want to know?' Craig shrugs. 'The boy looks a lot like you. . .did you get pregnant?' I stammer shaking my head. 'No! I'm not a freak! Nor a slut! You are!'

Craig sighs. 'Why are you so mad at me?' I answer. 'Maybe because you treated our relationship like nothing and moved on TWO WEEKS after we broke up.' Craig rolls his eyes. 'What, do you want me to be like you and after 6 months not even have kissed someone?' I answer. 'I've been busy! And 5 years, I got with you when I was 10! I thought I would have married you! And then you just go off two weeks after I break up with you and fuck someone who I always thought you would break up with me for!'

I hear Willow start crying as I stand up. 'I got to change her diaper.' Instead of walking to the bathroom I walk to the alley next to the building, I bounce Willow whispering. 'It's ok, calm down. . .daddys fine.' She looks at me with tear stained cheeks at blubbers grabbing my face, I laugh blowing bubbles at her.

I walk back in and sit down grabbing a tissue starting to whip her eyes. 'It's ok bubby. . .' Craig fake coughs. 'You have a cute kid.' I stammer. 'Why would you think I had a kid?' Craig sighs. 'It was so obvious that you were cheating.' I say with tears in my eyes. 'That's bullshit! I never cheated on you! I fucking love- LOVED, I loved you.'

Willow starts riggling on my lap as I sigh. 'I knew it was a bullshit idea leaving.' Jill sighs standing up. 'I thought you were a decent guy, you're just an asshole.'

We get back to my place and I lay down on the floor with Willow and Hunter, Jill sighs. 'I'm sorry. . .' I smile. 'He didn't think they were his, that's a good thing.'

Jill laughs. 'You swore in front of the babies.' I sigh kissing Willow and Hunters cheeks. 'Sorry bubs. . .' Jill laughs sighing. 'They might need to go for a nap.' We put them to bed and sit back down in the lounge starting to watch T.V, Jill asks. 'Do you still love him?'

I sigh. 'There will always be a part of me that loves him, I was with him since I was 10, I gave birth to not one, but two of his kids. . .but I'll never be able to be with him. . .he's with Thomas and would think I'm freak if he ever found out.' I start crying. 'God. . . I fucked up, I should have gotten him to wear a condom. . .I love Willow and Hunter to bits but. . . Craig will always hate me, and I'm sure if we waited until old enough, I'd have them around! Just, in the future.'

I sigh sitting back. 'But, I have them now. And I love them.'

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

How to hide a pregnancy, with Tweek Tweak. \ \ \ Creek/ Craig X Tweek mpreg/ / /Where stories live. Discover now