Chapter 7

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(Abby's P.O.V)

I woke up with a HORRIBLE headache. My throat was on fire and I had a nasty cough. I slowly sat up but everything was spinning. I was really freakin hot but also freezing. I reached for my phone grabbing it sending Harry a quick txt.

Me-Harry I need you to come here.

I slowly laid back down and waited for Harry to txt back or come up but he never did. My eyes slowly started closing and darkness took over.


She is burning up. I heard making me wake up. I Decided to keep my eyes closed and try to fall back asleep. There was something cold on my head and it felt nice.

She looks horrible. I heard some one else say

She looks like a zombie-LOUIS. Someone whispered yelled at Louis comment. I then heard a smack and a Ow.

Should we call a doctor? With that I shot up. While yelling No. That was a bad idea. My head was spinning my stomach turned and my head pounded even more of that was even possible. I started falling back or at least I thought I was falling. Everything was spinning and and right before I blacked out I heard Some one yell "CALL A DOCTOR".

I opened my eyes to a bright light. I squinted and looked over to my door wear I heard voices. Now I know it's not nice to listen into other peoples convos but i did.

She In there. I heard someone say.

My door opened and Harry walked in followed by Louis, Niall, zayn, Dana, Liam and some dude in a white coat.

And she lives!! Louis yelled when he realized I was up.

What's going on? I asked but it came out scratchy and just above a whisper.

Abby.. Love, your really sick so we called a doctor. Harry said walking over to me and grabbing my hand.

Um no. I said sitting up slowly.

What do you mean? Dana asked

No as in I'm fine and don't need a doctor. I said and with my luck right when I finished that I let out a nasty cough.

Harry chuckled and gave my hand a squeeze.

Um Harry.. Can I talk to private please? I asked

Um sure. He said as everyone left.

Harry. There is noway I am letting that that that thing close to me. I said

Do you mean the doctor, love? Harry asked

UHHH YEAH. I whispered

Why? Harry asked

Because I um uhhh... Abby. Are you scared? Harry asked smirking

Um uh maybe-no.. Yes. I said looking down at my hands

Harry took his middle and index finger lifting my head up to look at him.

Abby. He said lowly. There is no reason to be afraid. He is here to help, sweetie

No.. Nope I can't. I said

Harry sighed pick me up and taking my spot on the bed and then putting me on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

I'm doing this because I love you. He said but before I could say anything he called them back in.

As the doctor came into view my eyes widened and I leaned into Harry as much as I could.

Alright. Abby I'm assuming. The doctor said putting his hand out for me to shake.

Instead of taking it and shaking his hand I froze and stared at it.

He took his hand back and grabbed his bag with doctor stuff in it.

(Sorry it's short. Hope you liked it and please vote and comment of you have any ideas!)

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