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As I walked into the unfamiliar hallway, I passed by people who gave me friendly smiles. They all wore the same outfit, their uniforms. I nervously looked down and followed the man who led me through hallway after hallway. Finally, we arrived to a beautiful room colored solid white where my mother and some man sat.

“Charlotte dear, come sit by me.” Mother said. I sat and she sent me a friendly smile. “Go on, say hello.”

I looked up to the man who sat across from me and down again.

“Hello.” I said.

“Nice to meet you Charlotte.” The man said, “I’ve heard a lot about you. Your mother just loves to talk about you. I don’t suppose she told you much about what's going on now, did she?”

I shook my head.

“Your mother, Isobella, and I are engaged. We are going to get married and you will come to live with us, here in the palace. You will soon meet my daughter, Lisetta, and I do hope you two become great friends. I understand this is all a lot to take in at once. Our servant, Montario, the one who led you here, will take you to show you where you room shall be. I do hope you get accustomed to living here; I want you to be happy.”

Montario walked over to me and offered a hand. I took it and he led me out of the room. I walked up the white spiral staircase and into yet another hallway. He took me to another beautiful room, but it was painted lilac purple unlike the other room I was just in. I sat down on the light blue bed and he walked out of the room and shut the door.

This is all so much! I thought, too much! Suddenly I am taken from living with my father and now I am living in a palace with a royal king as my soon to be stepfather! Oh mum, why did this happen? Why did you fall in love again? I was perfectly happy back with father but now here I am, in a palace with you and a man I have never met before saying he is a king! This is going to be a strange new life. Like suddenly I am in a fairy tale.

And I’m the new princess.

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