Chapter 2

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Kit and Tom noticed something on the road. Tom brakes real quick. Tom grabs Kit's chest to stop him from sliding forward. Kit starts to throw up again then Tom grabs a bag and hands it to Kit. Kit starts throwing up in the bag. Tom said,"I thought you were better?"(Kit never replied to him.) Tom slowly got out of the car to see a little baby fox. Tom approaches the Fox slowly and trays to bite him Tom moves his hand back. The Fox is hurt it paw is red the Fox can barely stand up. Tom grabs the Fox quick to try to catch it off guard then the fox bites him on his hand. Tom comes and puts the fox in the car and take off to the Vet. Kit said,"what a man he helps and animal that hurt him he is cute and nice."(Kit talking to his self.) The fox barely gets in Kit's lap Kit grabs it slowly to put it in his lap better. Kit starts stroking the fox then he looks at Tom and Tom has his eyes on the road to get this fox to the Vet.(5 minutes later.) Tom grabs the fox quickly and runs it into the Vet and the doctors rush it into a room. Tom runs back outside and said,"I sorry for that but it needs help." Kit said,"it's ok I know that but let me see your hand?"(Tom hand still dripping with blood.) Tom lets Kit hold his hand and Kit grabs some tissue and wrapped it up for now.(Kit face is red the whole time.) Tom grabs Kit slowly out of the car. They both enter the Vet to see if the fox is ok. Tom and Kit sat down for a few hours without any updateson the fox health. Then the Vet came out of the room and said,"thank you so much for helping this baby girl fox come tomorrow and get her if you want to ok." Tom replied,"you welcome I try to help the little guys." The Vet went back in the room. Kit didn't want to leave but Tom and him were both tired. Kit said,"Tom we need to go back home ok can fix up that hand?" Just then the Vet came out and said,"she will be fine in the morning and also y'all are a good couple for helping her." Kit face gets super red and started blushing then he throws up on Tom again. The Vet runs and grabs some wet tissues. Tom cleanses up himself then Kit grabs his crunches and gets out of the Vet to try to hide his embarrassment. Tom comes out behind him and they both get in the car. Tom starts the car and looks over to see Kit's red face. Kit saw him starring at him and looks away out of the window of the car. Tom starts to drive them back to Kit's house.(20 minutes later.) Kit and Tom are at the house and are getting out of the car. Tom grabs Kit and helps him out of the car. Tom helps Kit up the stairs slowly then Tom unlocks the door. Tom entering first and Kit follow him. Tom closes the door behind Kit then Kit grabs his phone only to remember he has no data. Tom said,"what's wrong?" Kit said,"my phone is out of data." Tom said use my if you want to." Kit types in Dominoes Pizzas number then the phone(ring~ring.) The other person asked,"how can I help you tonight?" Kit said and I have one large sausage pizza."(Kit askedTom what  he wanted to eat.) Tom said a sausage pizza is fine."(with a smirk.) Kit also said, (to the person on the phone) "can I get another large sausage pizza please." The person said ok that will be twenty dollars."(The person hangs up.) Kit said,"why did you smirk when you said you wanted a sausage pizza?" Tom replied with another large smirk. Kit said,"why are you doing that Tom?!" Tom said,"no reason at all."(He was being carcastic.) Kit just rolled his eyes.(30 minutes later.) A knock on the door. Tom opened the door and gave the man fifty dollars and the man him the pizzas and left. Kit said I was going to pay." Tom said,"I got it you can think of it as a thank you." Kit replied,"a thank you for what?" Tom replied,"for letting me crash here for a few more nights."(Kit want to say no,because it's killing him to be in the same room as Tom.) Tom takes Kit silence as a yes. Kit then goes to the kitchen and grabs two plates then Tom grabs them from Kit and Tom gets two drinks. Kit just went back to the living room and sat down and put his crunches down. Tom comes in there and put down even like he was making a dinner table or something fancy. Kit said,"this is to much for some pizza?" Tom replied,"I don't think so."(Tom is not talking about pizza anymore.) Kit grabs a piece of the sausage pizza and started to eat it. Tom smiles at Kit the Kit puts down the pizza slice. Then Tom kisses Kit in the lips that had pizza grease dripping from them. Kit grabs his crunches and goes to the bathroom and locks the door behind him and throws up in the toilet. Tom knocks on the door and said,"I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that." Kit starts crying a lot on the cold bathroom floor. Tom said,"please let me in please." Kit just keeps crying all over his self and now his clothes are wet not a good day to wear white. Tom sits his back to the door waiting for Kit to open it. Kit craws to the door and puts his back to the door and started to crying again.(The Next Day.) Kit woke up with his self in a puddle of his own tears. Kit slowly grabbing the door handle and slowly opens the door to find Tom is asleep on the door. Kit opens the door a little more and then Tom falls right on top of him. Kit falls to the floor in pain because Tom is on his broken leg. (Kit Screams.) Tom wakes up to be on top of Kit then he see Kit crying. Tom said,"stop crying please Kit stop." Kit said,"I would stop if you get off of my tricking leg NOW!!!" Tom jumps up and helps Kit up and grabs his crunches. Kit grabs them and wipes the tears from his eyes. Tom said,"are you ok I am sorry about last night?" Kit said,"I am just don't talk about it please. Tom goes to the kitchen and make blueberrie waffles. (Kit favorite.) Kit smells the waffles and helps his self up and grabs his crunches. Kit walks into the kitchen with Tom in his Kiss The Chef Apron then Kit saw him in it and throws up on the stupid apron. Kit starts to cry again until Tom grabs him and tells him'"it's ok there just clothes." Kit pushes Tom off him and said,"why are you confusing me?" Tom said,"what to you mean?" Kit said,I~I like." Just then Tom phone(ring~ring) Tom grabs it and answers it. Hello,"is this Tom from last night this is the Vet." Tom answered,"yes this him do you have any updates on the fox?" The Vet said,yes it's ok you come and get but it is very scared so becareful with please." The Vet also said,"is your boyfriend ok since he throw up on you?"(Kit face gets red and started to blush again." Tom said,"we are not dating."(Tom whisper to the Vet or at least now right now.) The Vet said,"ok well come by at any time."(The Vet hangs up.) Tom said,"that was the Vet the fox is ok and we can get her so let's finish breakfast." Kit starts eating and Tom does the same. Kit said,"I have to go shopping." Tom said,"ok." Kit got up and grabs his crunches and goes in his room to grab his stuff then Kit walks out with a baby career.(Tom is shocked.) Tom said,"what is that for and why do you have that?" Kit replied,"don't ask and for the fox to carry it around the store duh." Tom said,"ok that a good idea your so smart."(Kit blushed.) Kit said,"tell me something I don't know now hurry up that baby needs us." Tom stops eating and grabs Kit and hugs him then Kit said,"ok get off me please let's go." Tom gets off of Kit and they walk out of Kit house. Tom helps Kit down the stairs slowly and opens Kit's door and helps him in the car. Tom gets in the car and starts it then Kit said,"Thanks." Tom just smiled and starts driving down the road.(15 minutes later.) Kit and Tom are at the Vet. Tom gets out of the car and leaves Kit in the car. Tom opened the door and the Vet has the fox in her arms. The Vet said,"here she is here a bag of food and stuff like that." Tom said,"thanks for this." The Vet hands him the fox slowly. The Vet said,"where your boyfriend?" Tom replied,"he is in the car." Tom said bye to the Vet then he leaves and opens Kit door and slowly puts the fox in his lap. Tom gets in the car and starts driving down the crowds of people on the road hunging the horn why they will move.(25 minutes later.) Kit and Tom and the Fox arrive at the store Tom gets out of the car and then help Kit out. Kit puts the fox in the baby career then they proceed to go into the store. Someone stopped them and said,"NO PET'S ALLOWED!!" Tom said,"we are a gay couple and we can't have a kid this is the closest thing we can get to a baby so please let it slide." The guy left Kit and Tom alone. Kit starts going down his list of stuff and goes to the check out only to see people starring at him like he was not a normal person.(Kit felt sad and almost started to cry.) Tom see everyone starring and he said,"lets give them something to stair at."(Tom is talking to his self.) Tom grabs Kit and looks into his eyes and Tom was like starring into Kit's soul then Tom kisses Kit in the lips. Kit just kisses back full into it he didn't care anymore what people think he just knew he was happy. Tom and Kit finished the kiss no one was starring now and the proceed to check out. Tom and Kit leave the store then the fox woke up and started whining for food. Tom helps Kit and the fox into the car and shuts the door. Tom gets into the car and starts to drive home then Kit grabs some food for the fox the fox slowly starts to eat the food. Kit starts stroking the fox to help it better be around humans.(15 minutes later.) They all get to Kit's house then they all get out of the car and go inside. Kit said,"why did you say that and why diid you kiss me?" Tom said,"you can't take a hint can you?" Kit replied,"I can and also stop avoiding my question answer me please." Tom said,"ok Kit I like you a lot and I think you like me a lot to."(Kit's face gets red and he is blushing again.) Tom said,"you like me right?" Kit moved closer to Tom and got face to face and Kit grabs Tom head and kisses him in the lips that tasted like blueberry. Tom kissed him to they started to make out for a while until the fox jumps up on Kit. They both stop and give the fox some attention then Tom makes the fox a bed. Kit starts to pet the fox. Tom grabs the fox and puts it down in her bed. Tom picks Kit up then they go into the bedroom. Tom shuts the door behind them.Tom puts Kit on on the bed and takes of his shirt to reveal those 4 pack of abs that where a little sweaty. Kit starts blushing then Tom grabs him and said,"I like you a lot." Kit replied,"me two." Tom kisses Kit lips that tastes like a snickers bar. Tom love it he loves chocolate then Kit finally lets Tom in. Tom and Kit's tongues touch then Kit face gets red. Tom was ok like he was waiting for this very moment in time. They make out for a while. Kit phone(ring ~ring~ring) the phone went off. (It was Abby.) Tom and Kit started to keep going until Kit starts to get sick. Tom saw him getting sick and kisses him harder. Kit stops getting sick he was more relaxed and he mellows out. Tom processes to kiss slowly down Kit's sweaty chest to turn him on. Kit starts blushing and grabs Tom and kisses him then Tom continues.(5 minutes later.) Tom stops to hear paws skaching the door then Tom kisses Kit and gets off of Kit slowly.(Kit wanted more.) Tom opens the door the fox jumps up on the bed and falls asleep on Kit that have fallen asleep dowe to his leg exercises. Tom thought to his self'"that is so cute I think I am in love with him with all my heart. Tom falls asleep on the bed to.(The next morning.) Tom woke up first and kissed Kit on his head then he went to the kitchen and made breakfast. The fox woke up a few minutes after Tom then she jumped off the bed and went into the Kitchen to whine at Tom. Tom hears the fox and grabs her and feeds her some pieces of little pancake.(12 minutes later.) Kit woke not to see any one in the room then he get up and grabs his crunches and goes into the Kitchen and sees Tom feeding the baby fox. Kit said,"you make a great father Tom." Tom turned around he was busted and he just smiled at Kit...

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