Chapter 29

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Adam was, indeed, freaking out. He was worried. When he finally received her letter, he was almost afraid to open it. His eyes darted up and was met with Tim staring back at him. Looking back down, he opened the envelope and began reading. Hearing Adam's gasps made Tim look up. The blond had his hand over his mouth and he was clearly fighting tears.

"Adam? Everything ok?" Tim furrowed his brows together.

The blond held his finger up to silently say "give me a minute". He finished reading his fiancé's letter and let out a sob. Tim moved to sit next to his friend and wrap an arm around the blond man. Jenika walked onto the bus and rolled her eyes at the sight. Tim raised his eyebrow silently asking her to keep on. She quickly looked away as she headed to the bathroom.

"Can you tell me why you're so upset?" Tim quietly asked.

"She was attacked. Stabbed in the side. Spent two days in the infirmary then three days in what she called 'the box'. It sounds like total hell." Adam said as Chance boarded the bus.

"That sucks. She's ok, though, right?" Tim inquired.

"She says she is."

"You don't believe her?" Chance asked.

"What if she's not and is only telling me she is to keep me from worrying and freaking out?" Adam looked over to the baritone.

"Adam, I don't think she'd lie to you. Even if she was, it's because she knows you need to keep your head in the game, so to speak." Tim smiled at his friend.

Adam sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, "I guess you're right."

"Everything ok?" Chance asked as he boarded the bus.

"Celestia was attacked and stabbed. He's worried she's not ok like she told him she is." Tim answered for his friend.

"Prison fights are normal, Adam. Get over it." Jenika huffed on her way through the bus.

Adam jumped up but Chance and Tim both grabbed a hold of him.

"Calm down, man. Don't do anything stupid, ok?" Chance stated.

"Why don't you go to your bunk and reply to Celestia? I'm sure she's worried about how you're taking the news of her altercation. Reassure her that although you're worried, you have faith that she'll make it to the end of her sentence." Tim suggested.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that." Adam glared at the direction the tour manager had gone.

As soon as the blond had crawled into his bunk, Tim looked at Chance. Even the baritone seemed irritated.

"Tim, I know she's your wife and all...but she's pissing everyone off with her snide comments. If she's not talking shit about poor Celestia and the situation she's in, she's...I've heard it with my own ears although she didn't know I was there...she's talking shit about how Adam's handling things.

We all know how he gets to crying in his bunk. She's calling him a baby for it. One time, Nate told me he'd heard her say he wasn't a real man for crying over some piece of trash who wasn't worth the time of day. I'm your friend, Tim. But I'm telling you, this isn't going to end well. I don't want to lose Adam or you. You're gonna have to do something about her." Chance rested his hand on Tim's shoulder as he spoke.

"She's pissing me off so much, I kicked her out of my bunk." Tim grunted earning a head nod from his friend.

"Tim, something's gonna have to be done about your wife. And soon." Chance gave Tim's shoulder a squeeze.

"What's going on?" Austin, Abe, and Nate boarded the bus.

Tim got the trio caught up on what had just transpired, including what Jenika had told Adam. The trio had visibly angered and it made Tim feel bad. He felt torn. He loved his wife. She was his wife! He loved his band. This was his livelihood, his passion. Would it come down to choosing between the two? What would he do if it did? Chance could see that Tim was deep in thought about something.

"Celestia was such a sweet woman. We loved hanging out with her. Jenika's the one that started making her uncomfortable and made it where she would hardly leave Adam's bunk." Abe stated.

"Yeah. Celestia was so funny. She always had us laughing." Nate added in, "Working with her was such a pleasure. She was a natural saleswoman. Always engaging the fans, making suggestions, making them laugh."

"Well from what Luke has said, once she's released for good, she'll be rejoining us on tour." Chance stated right as Jenika boarded the bus again.

"Oh no. I will not allow a hardened criminal back in our ranks!" Jenika huffed.

"Oh, yes you will. WE decide who's hired AND fired. WE decide who works for US. YOU are JUST the tour manager." Tim growled making everyone look over at him.

"If I deem a new crewmember too dangerous, then they will not be hired. Simple as that." Jenika crossed her arms across her chest.

"It's ok everyone. Things will work out in the end." Luke winked at Chance.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jenika turned on her heel to look at him.

Luke just shrugged, "Everything always works out in the end."

Austin and Abe looked at one another. They had both caught the wink the manager had tossed to Chance. He knew something the rest of them didn't. As Tim opened his mouth to say something, Luke advised him to keep his mouth shut. The bass man tilted his head to the side but Luke was just smirking. 'What's he up to?' both Tim and Jenika thought.

A/N: Well, sounds like the beginning of the end for little Miss Jenika! *rubs hands together evilly* What could Luke be up to? Think Tim and Jenika will wind up splitting up? Let me know what you think in the comments below! Don't forget to vote and add this story to your library so you never miss an update!

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